Lightroom Slow Down


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Mar 29, 2016
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Started a new processing look staying entirely in LR. After editing a half dozen or so images. There's a noticeable lag using adjustment brushes. By the time I reach a dozen it slows to a crawl and becomes unresponsive forcing me to close and restart. I've tried clearing history, and increasing cache to 50 GB.

Any ideas? This is a real PITA when your working on a large number of images.
How heavy handed is your processing with the adjustment brush? I also prefer to stay in Lightroom as much as possible, but I have found a number of things that will slow it to a crawl, and performance doesn't seem to improve when I move on to another image. These things include too many adjustment brushes on an image, too many separate brush strokes with an adjustment brush (it has to remember every stroke), and too many spot healing brush actions. There seems to be a threshold when it's just time to open it in Photoshop.
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I haven’t edited in LR for a year or so (bearing in mind I’m still much less experienced than you), but when I did and was learning to use the brush, I experienced this issue a LOT. But that was also with a work laptop with a lousy processor so my post is probably worth what you paid for it. Lol
Started a new processing look staying entirely in LR. After editing a half dozen or so images. There's a noticeable lag using adjustment brushes. By the time I reach a dozen it slows to a crawl and becomes unresponsive forcing me to close and restart. I've tried clearing history, and increasing cache to 50 GB.

Any ideas? This is a real PITA when your working on a large number of images.

What hardware are you using? A separate graphics card and a larger RAM size may help? If using a desktop PC you may be able to upgrade?

If you can't add more RAM - then try closing all other programs - including those that auto-start (check Start menu and remove any you don't need, then re-start).

I mainly use Lightroom on a Samsung Note phone, using the stylus for detailed work - so a very differrent App to proper Lightroom on a PC - but it never slows, even when doing extensive editing - though my phone has more RAM than my laptop . I've also heard that Android manages memory better than a Windows or Mac PC, because it's designed for heavy multitasking.
@adamhiram I wouldn't call it heavy. A couple gradients with custom masks, synced to all the images. Face, eye, and color adjustment brushes here and there. I've found that the more I can sync across multiple images the better. When I start working a set with 40-50 or more images it invariably starts giving me problems. I've tried upping my cache to 50, routinely purging cache, routinely clearing histories, nothing seems to work except a reboot of LR.

@Tropicalmemories I'm running an HP with 2.6 GHz I7, 16GB ram, GeForce Graphics card with 6GB on board, one SSD card internal for programs, one internal HHD, one dedicated external Thunderbolt SSD as a scratch disk for PS. I have the room to increase my LR cache file up to at least a 70GB on the internal SSD, or move it to the external and go to twice that or more, but I'm not sure that's it. I never experience a slow down on PS no matter how many layers or with multiple images open
@adamhiram I wouldn't call it heavy. A couple gradients with custom masks, synced to all the images. Face, eye, and color adjustment brushes here and there. I've found that the more I can sync across multiple images the better. When I start working a set with 40-50 or more images it invariably starts giving me problems. I've tried upping my cache to 50, routinely purging cache, routinely clearing histories, nothing seems to work except a reboot of LR.

@Tropicalmemories I'm running an HP with 2.6 GHz I7, 16GB ram, GeForce Graphics card with 6GB on board, one SSD card internal for programs, one internal HHD, one dedicated external Thunderbolt SSD as a scratch disk for PS. I have the room to increase my LR cache file up to at least a 70GB on the internal SSD, or move it to the external and go to twice that or more, but I'm not sure that's it. I never experience a slow down on PS no matter how many layers or with multiple images open

That should be enough for the job - does not look like a PC hardware issue to me.

Are you using a digitizer pad? Perhaps a driver issue?
Are you using a digitizer pad? Perhaps a driver issue?

Actually I am an XP-PEN. Hadn't thought about that, but I'll check the driver status.

May be worth reinstalling the driver?

It may well be the pad because the mouse remains responsive. I installed the latest verified driver Aug 2020, kinda of helped a little, but still much of the same issue. There's a new Beta driver for November. I'm wondering if I should install it as I had the issues with the driver on the graphics card after the November update by Adobe.

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