Last person to post in this thread wins...

Did someone mention penguins? In a disparaging way? :raisedbrow:

Don't make me get all medieval on you.
sorry Daan..., sorry Anty

just stop posting and bring me the prize!!


bring it on -- I have a LotR sword! (letter opener) and I reckon with a file I can get it sharp(er)

besides I am winning now - no harming the winner
C'mon guys, lemme win. My cousin needs an expensive operation and I'll be donating every penny of the prize money towards it. Really
there is prize money?
*gets more coffee to stay awake and stay in the lead!*
*pinches nose shut*
not getting rid of me that easy ;)

ps -- as I can't pm mods to pester them where can I find the photo limits for this site? can't seem to find them
"The maximum size should be no more than 800 pixels wide, and 600 pixels high, in order for it to fit on most screens without having to scroll." Also, if you post more than 4 in a thread, number them. And if you post more than about, what, 8 pics?, give a warning in the title for people who are still using dialup.

(Pinches nose shut and runs gagging from room)
see this is why penguins are all alone in the cold extremities of the world -- they got pushed there because the rest of the wildlife could not stand the smell! ;)

*thanks for the info!:)*
I assume they find the white surroundings complements their choice in coat colours :)
see this is why penguins are all alone in the cold extremities of the world -- they got pushed there because the rest of the wildlife could not stand the smell! ;)

*thanks for the info!:)*
What the ....heck? It was RyMo, not me!!! He even admitted it.
well far as I can see he is penguin -- so that evidence adds up for me ;)
pretty pictures look better than linkies ;)

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