L-Mount For Video


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Oct 21, 2016
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In about a year since the L-Mount Alliance was announced, L-Mount has become a stronger contender for video work than we might have expected. It's strength is based on three cameras. There is the Sigma FP, the Panasonic S1 and S1H. Granted it had a pre-existing base of Leica bodies and lenses for still photography, but the video world has ignored it.

The S1H was Planned From the Start

When the Panasonic S1 and S1R were announced, they seemed to be surprisingly large and expensive. Imaging Resource in Etchells' article shows that the series of three bodies were conceived together and the S1H delayed deliberately to establish the other two bodies as still cameras before the S1H was announced. The physical characteristics of all three bodies makes more sense to me now. As far as the price goes, well, less is always going to be better, so for now there is no point in arguing about it. If it doesn't sell at this price, then we'll have to wait and see what they can do about it.

"Why did Panasonic wait before demolishing the video competition with the S1H? Find out in our interview!"
by Dave Etchells, Sep 3, 2019 "Imaging Resource"
"Why did Panasonic wait before demolishing the video competition with the S1H? Find out in our interview!"

S1H is Netflix approved

While the S1 is their "main stream" video choice camera for this "Full Frame Hybrid" market, the S1H gives Panasonic a Pro level model directly within this "hybrid" range, which is not the case for Canon and Sony who both have more expensive and more specific "Pro video" bodies outside their "hybrid" product ranges.

"Netflix certifies the Panasonic S1H for productions, making it the smallest (and only stills/video) camera on the list"
Oct 25, 2019
by Gannon Burgett for DPReview.com
"Netflix certifies the Panasonic S1H for productions, making it the smallest (and only stills/video) camera on the list"

Sigma FP for a Compact Lightweight (Drone?) Body

Lastly, Sigma FP fills the need for a compact body within this series and fills out the lens range with low cost but high quality alternatives. While the camera is being marketed as a hybrid still/video camera, the body has no mechanical shutter, and test report will be needed to determine how that performs for still.

Announced Jul 11, 2019
Launched Oct 10, 2019, ("now available")

Sigma FP

Version 1.0 firmware has already been released, but this sample video was created on a late pre-production version. Normally I would look for a good sample recorded on a true version 1.0 or later firmware, but I felt that this one was worth watching.

"SIGMA fp Camera - Sample Footage (Non Final Firmware)",
published Oct 18, 2019 by "cinema5D", [7:39]

DP Review's test video of the Leica SL2 was recorded on a Leica SL2. If you are considering building an L-Mount studio for still and video, the L-Mount certainly has an array of excellent options on the video side. While the Panasonic S1H is the obvious "main cam" for general production, even this SL2, which would normally be recommended for still work, can be put to good use.

"DPReview TV: Leica SL2 Hands-on First Impressions",

published Nov 6, 2019 by "DPReview", [13:42]

[2019-1107 9:40]
NOTE: At around 9:20 in the video, Jordan says that the Leica SL2 in 8-bit standard profile has very high contrast that could not be reduced enough in its controls. The video demonstrates that by using 10-bit, he was able to "contain" the situation. The first time I saw that I thought "well, that'll probably be taken care of before release", but the point of mentioning it in this video is that you might want to check on that before you buy one, so my mistake. . . .
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"SIGMA Releases Major Update for SIGMA fp: Firmware Ver. 2.00"

There are a number of changes in the 2.00 firmware update for the Sigma fp, but the features that stand out are the support of Apple ProRES RAW and BlackMagic RAW, both out the HDMI port. There is support for 8, 10 and 12-bit RAW (see the announcement coverage for details).

"Sigma fp gets 4K raw output to Atomos and Blackmagic recorders in firmware 2.0"
Published Jun 25, 2020 by Gannon Burgett for DPreview.com
"Sigma fp gets 4K raw output to Atomos and Blackmagic recorders in firmware 2.0"

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