Japanese Camera Industry Down Again for 2020, but. . . .


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Oct 21, 2016
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DP Review took a look at the CIPA report for October 2020, and I think we could all have guessed that the last year was worse than 2019, but the main numbers are turning upward into the last quarter, which is good news. Still, if Covid-19 had not happened, I was convinced at the end of 2019, that 2020 was going to be the year that the industry would have broken even.

"CIPA's October report shows camera market has mostly recovered from its COVID-19 downturn"
posted Dec 2, 2020, by "DPreview.com", written by "Gannon Burgett"
"CIPA's October report shows camera market has mostly recovered from its COVID-19 downturn"

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