It Was Only A matter Of Time

At the age of 13 (1977) I'd ride my 10 speed bike up to the photo kiosk that was just down the road from where I grew up. It was in it's own little parking lot and I drop off my 126 cartridge's and get bordered 3.5x3.5's. Did not care about quality at that point I was just having fun. Quality did not come to me until I got my K1000 in 1980.
And that kiosk is still there, it's a coffee shop kiosk now.

BTW.....Bought 2 rolls of Portra 400 35mm for my trip to Vegas. Using my Pentax MV with 1.7 50mm. First film I've shot since 2019.
Photomat drive-in kiosks. The source of all those dreadful, embarrassing pix that swelled my family's photo albums.

Shoot lots in Vegas!
Wonder how much of this is due to the upsurge in film popularity? Fujifilm set to increase prices on 01 April by as much as 164%
Don't shoot as much film as I used to. B&H charges $19.00 for a 36 exp roll of my beloved Ektachrome. Then it needs to go to the lab--more $. If you have an image that you'd like printed, more $!!! Looks like I'll be dusting off my Bogen and make up some chemicals. B/W I can do at home. The way I figure a good print from a chrome can wind up costing 50 bucks or more.
Now, I admit, I shoot 90% or more with either my D780 or X PRO 3--but it's not the same. Just saying.
--but it's not the same. Just saying.

I have to wonder how much is truly different (given the processing capabilities of digital) and how much is nostalgic. Last night I was thinking about this as I fixed my movie buttered popcorn. In the good old days I'd pull out a pan, pour oil in it, put the corn in, cover and shake the pan as it heated. In another pan I'd I'd have my butter warming, when it was done, pour it all in a bowl. Afterwards there were dishes to wash and put up. By comparison today all I had to do is put my bag of Butter Lovers Microwave Popcorn in the microwave, push the popcorn button and wait a few mins. Afterwards there's no cleanup, just toss the bag.

The end product might not be exactly the same, but that doesn't make one better than the other. Especially when you consider all the steps needed to get to the final product. In the case of the popcorn it's probably healthier as I had a tendency to get carried away with the melted butter. 😁
I have to wonder how much is truly different (given the processing capabilities of digital) and how much is nostalgic. Last night I was thinking about this as I fixed my movie buttered popcorn. In the good old days I'd pull out a pan, pour oil in it, put the corn in, cover and shake the pan as it heated. In another pan I'd I'd have my butter warming, when it was done, pour it all in a bowl. Afterwards there were dishes to wash and put up. By comparison today all I had to do is put my bag of Butter Lovers Microwave Popcorn in the microwave, push the popcorn button and wait a few mins. Afterwards there's no cleanup, just toss the bag.

The end product might not be exactly the same, but that doesn't make one better than the other. Especially when you consider all the steps needed to get to the final product. In the case of the popcorn it's probably healthier as I had a tendency to get carried away with the melted butter. 😁
Only your coronary arteries know for sure!

Nostalgia didn't trump the PITA process of mail-in processing for me. I'm a romantic at heart but practicality does intrude often enough to cast doubt on what the whole 35mm film thing is about in 2022.

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