Indoor Lighting


TPF Noob!
May 24, 2009
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I am an on-location natural light photographer. I am going to be doing an indoor Holiday Shoot, and am looking for proper lighting for that shoot. Something portable. I have found on ebay several lighting kits/backdrops. I am unsure what i need to get but I want any input on what kind I need to buy!

Thanks! :)
OK. Basically, you'll need a main light, a fill light and a background light. A backdrop is a good idea. Shoot with a lens that has a focal length that is about twice the "normal" focal length for your camera format.

The main light should provide about double the light of the fill. This can be achieved by moving the main in closer to the subject(s). The background light needed will vary with the backdrop used.

Be prepared to pose all ages, from babies to adults. That means adjustable stools and maybe a table.

The actual brand of light is not so important as the modifiers you use (umbrellas, soft box or reflector). Choose a strobe with a modeling light so you can see where your light is falling. Decent light stands are important in a setting like this to minimise the chances of any accidents. Of course, shoot from a tripod so you can easily move in and out to adjust posing.

I hope this helps.

I could actually just get by with using one light.

Lightstand+speedlight+umbrella :)
I could actually just get by with using one light.

Lightstand+speedlight+umbrella :)

I believe the operative words here are "get by." I suspect many of us could "get by" without any additional lighting.

But I find it hard to give that sort of advice... especially in the current climate where the profession is crumbling as quickly as camera technology advances.

no, those are not nearly powerful enough.
You need to be looking at something starting around 150 Watt Seconds, these are 45 W/S.

Try looking into Alien Bees, a couple AB-400's would work well.
Dont be tight fisted in Photography.

Your camera is only 1 mefium in a range that you need for Professional Portraiture work.

Other things you really should focus on beside you Camera body is Lens, Lighting, Accessories (better straps that are more convinient, Filters, Clothes etc...) Backdrops... thel ist can go on.

If you are cheap with your equipment, Your work will result in being cheap.

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