I Would Like You To Meet Luke


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Jan 31, 2015
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It's been a year since Ziva got sick and had to be put down, I'm sure you all remember me posting pictures of her. I figured it was time to move on and started looking at animal shelters and thought I'd adopt instead and I found this little guy.


He's only 7 months old and was originally found as a stray in Indiana and was nursed back to health and then transferred to Vermont. He's incredibly healthy now, loves to play and really loves to jump. I'm talking like 5 feet lol. But when he's resting, loves to snuggle with you or anyone. He's a people cat.

He also don't mind my camera! That's a plus right? Because of his orange color, definitely will be a new challenge for me to pictures of him haha.
Orange tabbies are the best kind of cats.

I’m glad you found a new kitty friend! Enjoy!
Adoptions are the BEST. So many that need a good home. Hope you have many years of enjoyment together!!
He’s sweet!
I love orange cats. Orange cats seem tougher, more tiger like than an average cat. Luke seems to have a lot of character. The match is lucky for you and lucky for him.
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Beautiful cat and and outstanding photo!
Orange tabbies are the best kind of cats.

And cats are the best kind of pets.

Every life should have nine cats. I know. I've had Ginger, Charlie, Colo, Charcoal, Hickory, Barbeque and Briquette in past years, and now enjoy Chubby and Mittens.
Yay! What a little sweetie. I'm glad you two found each other! And I agree, it's a great shot, too.

Orange tabbies are the best kind of cats.

And cats are the best kind of pets.

Every life should have nine cats. I know. I've had Ginger, Charlie, Colo, Charcoal, Hickory, Barbeque and Briquette in past years, and now enjoy Chubby and Mittens.

I've only had three kitties in my life, so I had better get cracking if I want to get up to nine :D
We had Prancie when I was a kid and then her kittens Charlie and Tabu then Dudley and last one when I was in my 20’s was Tux.
Great shot. Cute. Congrats
He doesn't look too bad in b&w either haha.

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I love orange cats. Orange tabby? Super-cool.

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