I Really Like Topaz

Scott Whaley

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 4, 2018
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
As I have said before, I recently purchased Topaz Photo AI. I am just now getting to play around with it removing noise and sharpening photos. I am shooting in RAW again and those photos are really good to run through Topaz. I went through a period when I just shot in Jpeg. It very interesting how well Topaz works on the Jpeg files too. Here is an Osprey photo I took last year. The first one is the original file and just cropped to bring him in. No other processing was done. The second one was run through Topaz and they through Lightroom. I am really going to like going back and re-working a lot of my old photos.

Osprey 2.jpg


Osprey 3.jpg

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