How to get 'Olympus look' with Panasonic JPEG Settings?


TPF Noob!
Oct 14, 2017
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Hi All,

I recently bought a Panasonic Lumix GX800 with a 20mm pancake lens which I absolutely love. I mainly shoot RAW and then post-process in lightroom but I find that when I go on days out I am taking loads of shots which I like and which would be far too time consuming to go through in lightroom.

The obvious solution to this is to shoot in JPEG on big day trips so I have them available to use immediately but so far I have found the overall colours to be a bit cooler than my personal tastes. I have been scanning the internet for ages but can't find any specific guide on how to get the warmer famed olympus style JPEG through altering the settings on the panasonic system. Can anyone let me know if a guide exists at all and if not if anyone has tried and succeeded in trying to achieve the same outcome?
Your camera can set specific white balance values in degrees K. Raise the value until you're happy with the JPEG.


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