Hospital Dallas

The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
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Nicely captured
G'day me ol' mate

Haven't seen much of you lately :)

This image is so sharp is almost appears to be 2-images joined in the centre .... it took me several moments to examine it to determine that it's an all-in-one pic!

well done
G'day me ol' mate

Haven't seen much of you lately :)

This image is so sharp is almost appears to be 2-images joined in the centre .... it took me several moments to examine it to determine that it's an all-in-one pic!

well done
Mrs. Barbarian has had some medical procedures to deal with and although she's doing very well, I had to take on a little more duty time. Everything is good now. Good to hear from you, too.
Nice shot. Glad she is better.
She's back on the bicycle again. The surgeon cleared her to go. The P.A. said, "we don't usually get requests like that from people your age." But for her the bike is the fountain of youth.

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