HI from... almost everywhere.


TPF Noob!
Nov 9, 2011
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Madison, Wisconsin
Can others edit my Photos
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In the US anyway. I've been shooting for the better part of 45 years. My very first camera was a Kodak Instamatic with 126 film back in the late 60's. My first "real" camera was an entire summers worth of multiple paper routes for a cannon TLB. I kept shooting all the way thru my time in the service until my entire olympus system was stolen from a supposedly secure area. Gave it up for a couple years till I was walking past a camera store one day and was sucked in by the sight of another oly with a nice lens sitting on display in the window. I was back in it. I'm sure you don't want to here the entire history but to make a long story short, that camera was stolen as well and I gave it up again for awhile. I started to do a lot of traveling to a lot of very beautiful areas and wanted something compact to carry in my fishing vest and bought a small sony 3.2 mp point and shoot. I discovered digital and I didn't need a darkroom. I was off again. Now I use an Olympus E-3 and have done a lot of very nice work with it. There is a local gallery that displays and sells some prints for me. Unfortunately not enough to pay the bills, but I have fun with it. Recently I have been getting back into film with yet another OM system,( I love those things!), and I am looking to get into MF film. I'm looking at the Mamiya afd II or III. It's real attractive because I can use it for film or digital. However me and the IRS need to but heads for a little while before I spend the money. I travel all over the lower 48 and always have my cameras with me. I don't always have the time to stop and have missed some awesome shots. There was one time in south east Ohio a couple years ago, A crystal clear morning after an ice storm. The forest was amazing with the sunlight blazing through all those ice covered branches. Alas it was not to be captured.

Well enough about me. I found this forum by accident, I was doing a search on MF cameras and there was a thread in here that caught my eye. I stayed and read a few threads and was impressed. I've seen a lot of forums where there is a lot of bad attitudes that just turned me off. I'm not here to fight about things or be disrespected by some unknown lugnut. I'm interested in common interests and honest critique.

This was far more long winded than I intended it to be if you've read this far, thank you.
Hey hi! Interesting read :) Question from the UK - what or rather where's the lower 48?

dots said:
Hey hi! Interesting read :) Question from the UK - what or rather where's the lower 48?


Lower 48 states in the US - all but Hawaii and Alaska
Welcome. You find the occasional petty BS here but for the most part it's a fun family oriented site. :D
Thanks for the welcome Ls & Gs. I hope we all have a good time here.

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