Heron on the Hunt


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Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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I came across this Great Blue Heron at a place called Bittern Marsh. He got himself a big ol' mudbug for his lunch! We've had quite a bit of rain, so the water levels were up. Another month and there should be more birds in the area, and the lotus flowers should be in bloom.

1 Stalking the prey
may20202308 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

2 Located and locked!
may20202309 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

3 Sploosh!
may20202310 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

4 Try and keep hold!
may20202311 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

5 Got it!
may20202312 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Very nice sequence!
trying to zoom in to identify - is a mudbug a type of crayfish?
Terrific shooting! It's challenging to get a sequence like this that tells a story. You got all the action shots perfectly here. #3 is a hoot!
Very nice sequence!
trying to zoom in to identify - is a mudbug a type of crayfish?
Thank you! Yes, a mudbug is a crayfish. Also known as a crawfish or a crawdad or a rock lobster (Cue the B-52s...).
I was wondering the same thing! Looks like a very large crayfish, or crawfish as I've heard them called.
Yep, same thing. The crawdads can sing...
Terrific shooting! It's challenging to get a sequence like this that tells a story. You got all the action shots perfectly here. #3 is a hoot!
Thank you! Usually they fly off, but this one was more interested in getting lunch, so I was able to capture the sequence of events.
I like a series that tells a story. Nice work.
Thank you!
Great action set. I might have also taken that last one and cropped in closer on him with the mudbug in his beak.
Great action set. I might have also taken that last one and cropped in closer on him with the mudbug in his beak.
Thank you! I thought about that, but it already very heavily cropped, so I think there would be a further drop in IQ, but I'll give it a try and see what the results are.
Great shooting!

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