Help with this pic


TPF Noob!
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey guys,

I've been scanning pictures to be used in my best friends wedding slideshow.
I've been noticing these horizontal lines that are driving me crazy, especially on darker pictures or black and whites. They also have alot of white spots on them (they look like dust but it's not). These spots I can fix in photoshop no problem but the lines....
Any of you guys know how I can fix this in photoshop or something?
Could it be the scanner?

Here's an example


Is this better??

Thanx in advance
Do you know this is illegal? You are breaking copyright (look at the stamp all over it) and as a photographer you should know that this is taking the food from the table of the photographer who took the image - no matter the size of the company.

May sound strong but I've had this done to me and it's not a nice feeling. Contact Jostens and ask for another copy.
Thanx for all your help.

How do you know that I don't work for Jostens... or that I don't already have their permission.
Thanx for all your help.

How do you know that I don't work for Jostens... or that I don't already have their permission.

If you worked for them you'd reprint the original :D
The copyright all over the image tells me that you are playing with it without consent. It's a proof not a "real purchased image" Also I don't think that they would give permission for this either (although you may prove me wrong) I see you have now changed the image :) I'll help now!

I've been noticing these horizontal lines that are driving me crazy, especially on darker pictures or black and whites.

Very common and difficult to remove without affecting the quality of the image. You are scanning the image at high resolution and what you are seeing is every detail of the material the image is printed on - including the texture of the print paper itself.

They also have alot of white spots on them (they look like dust but it's not).

You are blowing up the details in the image and believe it or not it probably is dust! It could be small imperfections or scratches on the paper but dust is my bet.

The lines are a problem. Try Filter>Noise>Dust and Scratches in photoshop or Filter>Noise>Median

Before doing this create a duplicate layer and then use the opacity slider and a mask to correct the image as best you can.

Thank you for your reply.
I am going to use my aunts scanner today. It's better quality anyways and you can fill the scanner with pictures and it will seperate them. That will save alot of time because I have HUNDREDS to scan!!!
But I will try to play with the ones I've already scanned to see if it is fixable for future pictures.
You'll pretty much get the same results. The problem is with the image and not the scanner. Also it's very easy to split images in Photoshop using the crop tool. Scan at a high resolution (without interpolation). Can take more time to scan and you may get very large files but you can resize when saving.

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