Help! How do *you* host photos to post here?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Western New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey guys, for years I've been using smugmug to host my website, and by default using to to share all my photos to the forum.

In a few days I'll be letting my smugmug account expire and moving to a new website host - likely weebly. Smugmug just isn'y customizable the way I want anymore, and I have no need anymore for the business options they offer.

That being said, all of the photos I've previously posted here are going to become broken links unless I pay $10/month just to keep the minimum option on smugmug - which I really don't want to do.

Regardless, I'm looking for a new place from which to share my photos onto the forum. Let me know what you use and why you like it.
Most people use Flickr. From the share option on Flickr, copy and paste the bb code directly into the text of the post.
I run my own web server and host them from there. (Requires some tech knowledge, obviously.)
I upload directly from my computer to TPF. I guess if TPF goes away, so go my Photos. Earlier today I was looking at all the broken links from,I guess, SmugMug. What once was free now costs money, and loads and loads of photos from the early 2000's have become nothing more than they're awful broken link symbol.
Another vote for Flickr. Sharing is super easy, and I like having the control to remove images from a single source if I choose at a later date.
Unlimited storage on the service that hosts my web sites so I keep them there.
It depends on how I’ve exported them from LR. If I know I’m going to post them here, I do a copy of the file at 1200 pixels for the longest edge. Then, I upload the file directly to the thread.
I use Flickr, I upload medium size images there and then if I post here I select something a bit smaller in the BBC code options.
I quit photobucket and now use flickr
I upload directly from my computer to TPF. I guess if TPF goes away, so go my Photos. Earlier today I was looking at all the broken links from,I guess, SmugMug. What once was free now costs money, and loads and loads of photos from the early 2000's have become nothing more than they're awful broken link symbol.

Agreed. And it sucks.

I may keep it around for a few months and try to sub in new links in the more recent threads I’ve posted.

But eventually I’m going to cut it loose and leave years worth of broken links.

I hate the idea of that. But what choice do I have?
Sign up to flickr and then reupload your entire catalogue of photos and then go back and manually edit each post to replace the links of course - we expect nothing less from our dedicated members ;)
I use Flickr. LR is setup to automatically resize and upload low res images only.
Another for using Flickr, but if I am lazy I would upload from the laptop.

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