Hardware Review List

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Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 4, 2008
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Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
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I am not sure if this has been brought up ...

I surf around in other forums and those that deal with Hardware have a Hardware Review List.
It can be searchable by Manufacturer or Model.
Primary specs are listed and allows people to post their personal reviews of the item.

This would be a handy thing on this Forum as many user's ask questions about Lenses and Cameras (and other hardware) ... usually this results on many similar threads being started/repeated.
So, I would assume that a central searchable list of Photographic hardware review list is not something in need.
There are countless sites featuring gear review...I don't know that we need to do it as well. People can search this site for specific gear talk or those other sites or just outright Google what they want to know.
Just for info folks
I bought a new 2Tb hard drive. I had no end of problems with it. Just formatted it and changed to NTFS and now no problems. Hope this helps others
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