Halloween Is Coming


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Mar 29, 2016
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Starting to process the recent shots from a Halloween themed shoot. I have the color versions which turned out well (mom and grandmothers liked them), but I felt something lacking in the theme. So I started playing around with a little cinematic drama feel. Before I spend a lot of time working this any further, what say the group. To much over the top? Not enough or I'm way off base????

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Love the set and the overall concept here, not so sure about the green though... I'd like to see fire-coloured fire. Also have you considered 'horror lighting' (lighting from below?
Love the set and the overall concept here, not so sure about the green though... I'd like to see fire-coloured fire. Also have you considered 'horror lighting' (lighting from below?

You know I never even thought of that :BangHead:
The set is so professional! The model is super cute too. I would tone down the green. Take a sunset photo that has colors and try out blend modes & opacity. Transform the sunset layer to get the desired location and mask where needed. I would blur the fire. Looks like you won the October grandfather award. :)
Love the concept, model is adorable as always, but the green tint is just okay to me. Did you finally get to use the fog machine?
@CherylL The moonlight effect was from two gridded snoots with blue gels. One was high left raking the background and one low left to catch the side of the face. All told there were 4 lights and a reflector which was a real PITA because she was moving so much and I ran out of duct tape :allteeth: The green was done post in curves/channels, as the blue didn't seem erie enough, maybe I need to back off that some to let more of the blue back. The fire was also added post and is easily adjusted. I agree it seems a little to defined.

@adamhiram no fog machine. She checked to be sure I wasnt going to pull a fast one on her. LOL kid has a memory like an elephant. All the effects were with fog brushes added on separate layers, for depth.

Thanks for the comments I need to review and adjust so I can settle on something, and complete the set next week.
Oh. man. I need to up my grandpa game.
Very adorable, as always. I'd like to see a color version.
Loving this and the green works for me on this one since its about Halloween I don't think colors need to be true. love it just as is and wouldn't change a thing.
Another version with the green toned down, but still trying to keep the moonlight feel, any better?
Halloween 201810032018_245-Edit.jpg
Ooh I like it!
I like the shooting set and the model. I prefer this muted color shot to the green-toned one. Nice work!
@adamhiram and @Derrel Thanks guys think muted blue works as a good compromise. Time to put them to bed

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