Grand theft auto 5

Confrontation is still my favorite online game that I used to play. I had two different clans that I used to roll with all night long. It also took me quite a few matches to not air knife when someone was hidden around the corner and that was every time that I logged on. I stopped playing though because of work and also once SOCOM 4 came out it seemed to me as though the servers were even slower and then there were those who used either a lag switch or god mode. Why bother playing when you gotta cheat. I just never got that. It's awesome that your wife plays. My wife says "grow up! adults don't play video games!". Ironically, we have a lot of fun together playing the Wii. I never mention the fact that we are not being adults when we play together. LOL!

My wife and I are cracking up over all of your comments. Been there done that and sometimes still do!
I actually did not realize I could play online until Socom Combined Assault. Again it was all coop; had to have the real peeps on my side :???:

Love the game modes in Confrontation. Rescuing and escorting hostages to the LZ is great stuff.
Confrontation is where a few guys actually were patient enough to teach me strategies. I remember specifically a guy telling me to relax. When I ask him why, he said I was knifing before any exchange of any kind.
Boy does my sphincter get tight at times :smileys:. You should see me handing over the remote to my wife when playing anything with zombies or monsters etc. (Resistance 3)

Kathy, Super Mario Bros is still the bomb. I have that for our Wii and on occasion my wife and I will play a little. As far as Candy Crush goes, well... that's what my wife plays almost every night. She is addicted to that junk... That's what I think of those apples! haha.
I am still on the first level of Super Mario Brothers....on the first Nintendo, but I kick a** at Candy Crush! What do you think of them apples!!!!!
Confrontation is still my favorite online game that I used to play. I had two different clans that I used to roll with all night long. It also took me quite a few matches to not air knife when someone was hidden around the corner and that was every time that I logged on.

You are making me miss it. I recently tried to get a few people from BO2 to play. A couple purchased it used for a whopping $4.00, but we just could not all get on the same page.

Nothing like jumping into the water off a cliff and swimming underneath to remain undetected (Fallen). Breach is another game mode I enjoyed (Urban Wasteland or Fallen).
Nighttime missions, Blizzards, really cool thermal scopes, sniping all the way across the map on Crossroads.

I'm getting sad. LOL
You are making me miss it. I recently tried to get a few people from BO2 to play. A couple purchased it used for a whopping $4.00, but we just could not all get on the same page.

Nothing like jumping into the water off a cliff and swimming underneath to remain undetected (Fallen). Breach is another game mode I enjoyed (Urban Wasteland or Fallen).
Nighttime missions, Blizzards, really cool thermal scopes, sniping all the way across the map on Crossroads.

I'm getting sad. LOL

Yeah I'm starting to miss it too! Lol!
I actually bought the SOCOM package with mic for friends and family when it first came out. 2 cousins, both my brothers, my brother in law, and 2 other close friends. All in the hopes that they would all play together with me. It never worked out and in fact only one of my friends and one brother played all the rest said it was too hard. I can't think of a map I didn't enjoy. I think one of my faves was urban wasteland. I really like the fact that you can be a weak team but, with good communication you can still win. Before I retired from the game I was able to get Alice but, I think I would have preferred Tilly. I've picked up Tilly before and that is one hell of a sniper rifle! Gah! Now I wanna play! Lol!
Any of you old geeks buy Diablo 3?! Lol I played for awhile but just couldn't find the love that I once had for Diablo 2. :)
I'm so easily caught up in hype! Xbox One Console

Doesn't mean I'm buying it though!! The grandson would be so disappointed though..................

PS4 is $100 cheaper. Who needs that stupid Kinect anyway?

PS4 is $100 cheaper, correct. Without the PS Eye peripheral... Which is vastly less functional than kinect. However, if you want to buy that PS Eye down the road... That'll be $100.

I'm pretty comfortable with paying $100 more for a better product with more functionality IMO IMHO TBQH BBQ BRB.
I am on the fence to be honest. Going to wait a year and see how they both do.
got mine at the midnight release
Gotta say i just finished the GTA5 story mode and from start to finish it was great. The story and players seemless came together and keep me hooked the whole time..Defiantly a contender for game of the year.

Go Trevor Phillips Enterprises!!!
Any of you old geeks buy Diablo 3?! Lol I played for awhile but just couldn't find the love that I once had for Diablo 2. :)

I believe I read the PS4 camera was going to be $50; not much difference still.

However, I have not heard or seen anyone using the Kinnect or the Eye. My son plays primarily XBOX and none of his friends use the Kinnect (at least not for shooters). I have the PS3 camera w/move controllers and a sharpshooter - they all have dust on them.
mishele i got the diablo 3 for ps3. i thought the game would be a lil different for the console but it looks exactly the same. im used to the computer version on my mac and starting from the beginning with not much is a lil eh lol
you guys gotta hit up that gta online it is awesome. not to mention super realistic.

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