Get 2 months credit from Adobe no matter how long you’ve had your account


hear me roar
Staff member
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Saw this on Facebook and just did it and it’s true.

It doesn't matter how long you have used Lightroom/Photoshop or what you pay. You go to Adobe and open your account. Click on to make a change/cancel. Go to next page and It will give you a list of what you will miss in boxes. Go to next page. Next it will ask you why you want to leave. Click on "too expensive" and next. Now it gives you boxes with 3 choices. The first box is your offer. Read it all over then when you want to do that (or not, your choice) it'll welcome you for staying on with Adobe this offer. That's it. Then you still have everything as before, but with two free months.

Apparently this offer for two free months is good for two months. After that its over.

I hope this saves some of you a couple of dollars.
Tried but didn’t work for me :( they just said I owed $35 if I cancel haha

Sent from my mobile device because I’m either outside or too lazy to get my MacBook..
Tried but didn’t work for me :( they just said I owed $35 if I cancel haha

Sent from my mobile device because I’m either outside or too lazy to get my MacBook..

that’s weird. It worked for a bunch of the girls in my photo club. And seems like it worked for zombie sniper who is in Canada. Maybe it’s a North America only offer. Hopefully another one of our other Europe members will report back.
This is legit. I hope all TPF Adobe users got their credit.
Got my 2 months free today, again thank you for posting.
I cancelled my Adobe subscription this week but wasn't offered anything of the kind. Don't know if it's a country thing, I'm in Canada, or if it's because I had a yearly subscription, but it obviously doesn't work for everyone. Not that it would have changed anything in my case, I was cancelling anyway no matter what.
It worked! Thank you very much for the heads-up!

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