Gear for the body


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 27, 2006
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The Safety and protection thread got me to thinking about something and wanted input.

What do ya'll wear for excursions into outdoor forays?

Here is the reason why:
During summer in NM, temps in the sun can easily shoot past 120F int he sun. Altitude and other factors makes for a highly aggressive environment for anyone doing any kind of outdoor photography.

Well I also discovered that certain footwear like certain brands and types of boots and hiking shoes simply wont cut if your talking its bitsy tiny weeny cactus spines.

Sunshine wise things can get brutal, but, we also have to be aware of the monsoons here. So that tends the need to have rain gear, water, carbs, etc. Small FA kits, etc.
Not to mention a goodly amount of other toys like a solid leatherman or equivalent.
What do ya'll carry?
In summer for 1/2 day trips birding here in SE Texas, water, sunscreen, deep woods off, hiking boots, hat (should cover ears and back of neck), t-shirt, shorts and about 20lbs of camera gear in a backpack. For full day trips, same stuff plus lunch like trail mix and/or protein bars and more water. I take a backpack cover to keep my gear dry if it rains. If I get wet, no big deal, I'll be dry by the time I get to the truck. As important as what you bring is where you step, or sit down, because of fire ants, which are nasty, 4 types of venomous snakes, and alligators. They have a way of sneaking up on you when you are looking through the viewfinder. It is truly amazing how the gators camouflage themselves. This time of year it's almost always 80 degrees and 90% humidity at sun up and mid to upper 90s by mid afternoon and either dry or 20% to 30% chance of rain. Lately, the dust from the Sahara desert makes the sun a bit hazy. Yes, the sand travels from the Sahara over the Atlantic and through the Gulf to SE Texas this time of year.

Water, beer, and fun. =]

Edit* Oh wear... Boots, long pants, long sleeves, hat, face covering (Sun block type, not covid type), and head covering. Everything usually worn in layers.
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I have some real tree commo gear I sometimes wear but normally I wear my day to day clothes and at this time of year, insect spray.
Depends where I'm going and what I'm doing really.

Most of the time I don't pack too much extra but there's a few things that I do throw into the bag/on my person including:

1) Waterproof Poncho. Can throw it over yourself for a fast rain cover and also put it on the ground for a fast ground cover for kneeling or laying on or just putting the bag on so it doesn't get muddy/wet.

2) Waterbottle

3) Kneepads. If I know I'm going to end up kneeling for a long period of time then pads are great for giving your knees some relief and support. Especially on harder/firm ground surfaces.

4) Hat - which I'm rarely ever without; give a bit of rain and sun protection all in one!

5) If I'm going to remain mobile and not want to carry a bag I've got some camo gear that I'll often throw on, mostly for the pockets! Seriously "fashionable" clothing has relegated the pocket to an outward design feature. Unfashionable camo jackets and trousers at least have sealed large pockets that you can put useful things into!

6) Sunblock, insect repellent,

7) Notebook and pen. You never know when you might want to jot something down or suchilke. Granted a good phone can often be a good stand-in for this as well.

In general its just about pre-planning and knowing where you're going, what you'll likely do and what you need for that. Experience helps too and perhaps the first time you go to do something new you might either take too little or too much. The more times you go the more you can work out just what you do really need and what you don't. Eg some might take a chair with them to some spots if they know they are going to be in one place for ages and don't really want to lay in the ground so a chair makes perfect sense.

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