G'day from Tasmania, Australia


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 18, 2023
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Heya all. My name is Ann. I am a photography and travel addict. I love all sorts of photo genre but I would have to say that flower photography, closeup photography and night photography are up there amongst my favourites. I have a Canon 80D and various lenses. Recently I have developed an interest in Lensbaby lenses so if anyone out there likes photography art, then I would love to discuss this with you. I look forward to joining the weekly challenges as this is a way of helping me to think out of the box. I also look forward to just connecting with likeminded people and enjoying sharing our photography interests including a good chat and laugh.
Hopefully connect soon.
Cheers, Ann. 🍷


  • Red Hisbiscus Side Dark - Edge.JPG
    Red Hisbiscus Side Dark - Edge.JPG
    1.1 MB · Views: 35
Welcome! The pool is fine...jump right in. Nice sample shot.
G'day! Welcome to TPF. I look forward to seeing your work.
Heya all. My name is Ann. I am a photography and travel addict. I love all sorts of photo genre but I would have to say that flower photography, closeup photography and night photography are up there amongst my favourites. I have a Canon 80D and various lenses. Recently I have developed an interest in Lensbaby lenses so if anyone out there likes photography art, then I would love to discuss this with you. I look forward to joining the weekly challenges as this is a way of helping me to think out of the box. I also look forward to just connecting with likeminded people and enjoying sharing our photography interests including a good chat and laugh.
Hopefully connect soon.
Cheers, Ann. 🍷
Welcome to the Forum!
greetings from the American Outback.
Love to look at your work.
Thanks Smoke, Jeff, Strodav, Jeff, PJM, otherprof and Soocom for your warm welcome. I look forward to having fun on this site.
Cheers, Ann. 🍷
Welcome, Ann! :) We're glad to have you joining us! I hope you check out the Photo Galleries, and post some of your work there for us to see. It's a great way to get to know everybody, and get feedback and discussion on your photos if you like.

Keep posting, and have fun!
Thanks Terri. Sounds good. I'll post a few.
Cheers, Ann. 🍷
Welcome aboard.
Welcome Ann! Love the photo you posted above. I have a lensbaby twist lens I use occasionally. @SquarePeg, Sharon has the velvet. What lensbabies do you use? I've thought about getting the composer.

Again, welcome to the forum!

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