
Sorry to see you go my friend. I will truely miss your humor and your postings. Please let me know how to stay in touch if possible.

Sorry to see you go Chiller. I understand why, but you'll be missed Bro'...
You produce some great work, I wish I could recreate it. It sucks you wont be posting it up anymore.

*rant begins here, dont read below if you are sensitive

I never get threads like these. Unless they are fulfilling some sort of personal need for attention.
I mean if you post your contact information in a thread saying you will not be around fairly often, that makes sense. I mean a blog, a website where you will be updating your work, anything but just a goodbye last post.
This isn't really specific to just this case either, I'm talking in general really (these threads happen often, and on every type of forum).
I never get threads like these. Unless they are fulfilling some sort of personal need for attention.
I mean if you post your contact information in a thread saying you will not be around fairly often, that makes sense. I mean a blog, a website where you will be updating your work, anything but just a goodbye last post.
This isn't really specific to just this case either, I'm talking in general really (these threads happen often, and on every type of forum).

Would you leave a party of a bunch of friends without saying goodbye? What about a neighborhood after living there for 10 years or so?

That's really all it is, IMO. People just want to say goodbye.
I wouldn't just leave.. I would maybe reduce my postings to occasional , but I wouldn't leave unless there was an overwhelming cause.
I wouldn't just leave.. I would maybe reduce my postings to occasional , but I wouldn't leave unless there was an overwhelming cause.

Sometimes someone does more than just accidentally spill a drink on your new dress, you know?
Chiller, you are and were one of my favorite artists on the forum. I thoroughly enjoyed your work, discussion and humor. You will be missed.
Anyone wants to know, just PM me and I'll fill you in. Perfectly, I'll drop you a line.
^^^ Does that mean you'll be giving all 5-7 sites he posts on? :p :p :p

No, if I knew that I'd have to be some kind of Chiller stalker.

Don't get me wrong. He's hawt and I'd totally do him, but I mean come on... that's just CREEPY.


Thank god he's not on here anymore, I'd so catch sh@t for that.


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