Fake rolleiflex 3.5f white face??


TPF Noob!
Jun 20, 2017
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Just looking for some insight to see if this is a genuine or possibly a fake/frankenstein rolleiflex? I have owned rolleiflexs before, but not this model....lots of it has been touched up with what appears to be nail polish and has clearly been neglected over the years....maybe left outside!!> :aiwebs_016:
The self timer does not wind up...it just flicks back like a spring. The shutter fires correctly, it just seems too beat up to be a high end camera.

Any info would be greatly appreciated,

Many thanks


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It's not unusual to find high end film cameras in beat up condition because they were given hard use by working professionals. Back in the day Rolleiflex TLRs were workhorse cameras used by many photojournalists and other pros. I've seen many old beat up pro cameras in far worse shape than yours.

It may have some non-original parts or mods but I've never heard of a truly counterfeit Rolleiflex TLR. Yours looks like the real deal to me.
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Yep heavily used and somewhat abused genuine article.

What matters is the pictures it takes, not what it looks like. Not everyone babies their cameras.
In the rough and tumble of heavy professional use cameras do get cosmetic wear and tear, as has been said it depends on how it functions.

When I bough a Leica M3 body about 30 years ago I told the dealer I wanted a work horse not a collectors item, so it had minor dings etc, but it's functioned like a dream all these years. The saying "you can't judge a book by its cover" is just as apt for the cosmetics of a camera.


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