Dust on negatives.

Grandpa Ron

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 9, 2018
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I am shooting 4x5 negatives and have done the usual anti-dust precautions. I have disassembled and whipped down my film loaders checked my change bag, cleaned my enlarger film loader, hang my negatives to dry in the bathroom (the smallest least dustiest place in the house) and blow the dust off the negative before I put it in the enlarger.

Still the dust seems to find is way to the print at the most inopportune time. I am sure this is a common problem and I am curious how other handle it.
If you're making prints and that's when you see them I found I had to check/dust the enlarging lens. A lot. Apparently dust likes negatives. And darkroom equipment.

edit - I'm talking 35mm so maybe it's even worse with larger negatives?
I try to keep them in sleeves, inside a closed storage book in a closed trunk. Unfortunately they still get dusty. Having two cats, a dog and a kiddo definitely doesnt help hahahaha. I have my negatives scanned so if anything does show up (always does) I clone it out in photoshop.

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