Dropped my Canon A720IS - Button doesn't work :(


TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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I recently dropped my Canon A720IS and now the right button doesn't work, (the circular one around the Func. Set button) So basically I can't move right to select items, I can only go up down and left making some function totally inaccessible. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I noticed screws around the body, but wanted to know if I'd be able to get at that button area before unscrewing everything.
Congratulation, now you have a clear conscience to go out to buy a new one. It was an accident and it was not your fault. It just happened.
Congratulation, now you have a clear conscience to go out to buy a new one. It was an accident and it was not your fault. It just happened.

:) That's exactly what I'll do, I think it was time to upgrade anyway.
I'll probably take it apart one day to see if I can fix it, I can only use automatic mode for now.

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