Done it, Want to, or Never done it.

Not unless daydreams count. I wouldn't mind it.

Ever go skinny dipping? (Or chunky dunking for Runnah)
Done it
Ever get so wasted tailgating that you almost didn't make it into the show/race?

Ever accidentally made out with the wife of a guy with a very impressive mullet and a panel van in the men's room a of western themed bar in upstate New York?

Ever accidentally made out with the wife of a guy with a very impressive mullet and a panel van in the men's room a of western themed bar in upstate New York?

DONE IT!! Wow, what a night!!

Ever drink from a cup that had a cig butt in it?
DONE IT!! Wow, what a night!! Ever drink from a cup that had a cig butt in it?

No but I have drank bong water.

Ever been on either end of a glory hole?
Do you want to be on one of the ends of a glory hole?
Thank you for teaching me a new word! Nope but it sounds like a good time.
Ever go dog gobbling?!
Oh yeah, a few times with Lava soap.

Ever consider rope swinging:
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Screw that!!
Ever kill someone and hide the body in a plastic bag, then throw it off a bridge outside of Dallas, Texas?
Ever spend the night sleeping in your car?

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