Doing a 30 x 40 collage with 8x10s


TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2018
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I am having a difficult time finding the info I am looking for. I am sure it exists, my search foo here and on Google must be lame.

I have an idea I want to try but need to know if my enlarger can handle the job. I just acquired a Beseler 67s that pivots to the side for wall prints.

I would like to do a collage of 8x10s of one medium format photo. So essentially doing a 30" x 40" negative projection on 15 8x10 photo prints. When mounted a small gap between frames.

Can the Beseler handle this large of a projection? Do you think it would even look good displayed if the prints come out sharp? How long of an exposure time should I look at for this size? I guess a good range of time to experiment with?

I don't plan on this to be my first project, but one I could build toward. Black and White.

Can the Beseler handle this large of a projection?
Yes, if the negative is sharp and you have a good quality enlarging lens.

Do you think it would even look good displayed if the prints come out sharp?
Don't see why not.

How long of an exposure time should I look at for this size? I guess a good range of time to experiment with?
To many variables to answer that one. Trying to think back to my 30x40 darkroom printing days, I'd think the exposure would be in the "minutes" range rather than "seconds". You would want the enlarging lens to be set to at least F8.
Thank you. I can at least move forward with planning.
I've done 30x40 C-prints from 4x5 neg. projected on the floor. Enlarger alignment is very important. (I would also add that I was using other people's money to do this, so....) You should also figure that this project will need to remain set up till you are satisfied with the results.

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