Depth of Field Preview


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Oct 21, 2016
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I am not really in the mood to buy "yet another camera" myself, but when I read another new thread on that question, one thing that I would like to know is whether there are mirror-less bodies that support depth of field preview? None of my mirror-less bodies (all low-end) support this. The only way I can preview depth of field is by recording a video.
My Panasonic Lumix GH5 does.
Look at "Constant Preview" function in cameras menu.
Olympus em10, em5 and em1 all have it. And various panasonic as well.
My Panasonic Lumix GH5 does.
Look at "Constant Preview" function in cameras menu.

My Sony a5000 and my Yi-M1 do not support anything like "Constant Preview", but they do have "Continuous Autofocus". I have never used that for still photography because "Single Autofocus" saves power. I should try the "Continuous Autofocus" and see if the aperture stops down. I do not think it does. I have not checked my Lumix GF-3, but I do not recall it having any way to preview depth of field. Again, "Continuous Autofocus" might do it, and I will check that one as well.

Actually, I do have a way to check depth of field on my "adapted" lenses. Most of the adapters either have a depth of field previous switch or lock the lens to always preview depth of field.

Also thanks for the Olympus info BrentC.
"Continuous Auto-Focus"

I have tested my three main use bodies (Panasonic Lumix GF-3, Sony a5000 and Yi-M1) with their kit zoom lenses and found that they all do stop down the lens during "Continuous Auto-Focus" mode. So when using this mode each has continuous depth of field preview. I guess the next thing I need to know is roughly how bad is the "power suck" when using this mode?

If this is common, I guess all, or maybe "almost all" the mirror-less bodies support depth of field preview to this extent.

On my Fuji's there is a DOF bar/scale which pops up in the ECF when switched on.

So that scale lets you know the depth of field nominally at the current F-stop and focal length? That can be useful.

Well, it has been interesting so far. It does look like I should re-think the way I am using my cameras.

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