Creepy or not creepy?

Please.......Go out and make some Really Great images with the Doncam!!
Just managed to acquire this 1970s Donald Duck camera.
My partner thinks it's the creepiest thing he's seen. I'm still on the fence.
I know it's pretty rare and have not seen one listed for a long time.

The one eye contains the viewfinder and the other eye houses the lens. The tongue acts as the shutter. It sure is an interesting piece.
View attachment 186413
When Ducky met Chucky!
With children present. The only thing missing is the Chevy conversation van with the blacked out windows.....
My McKeown's guide is a bit old (2001-2002) but looks like Donald had a price estimate of $100-150 back then. Not that bad.

Seems like something a serial abductor would use to further psychologically torture his kidnap victims while simultaneously creating pictures to use to try to extract ransoms.
Creepy, with an extra helping of that '70s plastic vibe.
........the shutter should go “Quack”
How much did they demand to send him back alive ?

That gets to 87 on the creep o meter ;)
I missed this thread till now.

It's 100% creepy, and an absolute must-have. You did great to nab it.

You totally need to go creep people out taking pictures with that thing, preferably on a beach where people already feel exposed. Muahaha. :greendevil:
If you had not asked, I would have said "Some poor kid broke this toy on the gravel".

Since you asked, definitely Creepy
Creepy yes, but love it.

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