Computer update question


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Mar 1, 2018
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I’m pretty illiterate when it comes to computers and trying to go through and clean it up. I thought it would let me know when there were updates and am at the latest version it allows as an update. I have a 2017 MacBook Pro with MacOS version 10.13.6. PS/LR want 10.15, but in “available updates” there is nothing like that. Do I need to upgrade to Catalina or some such thing? And how do I know if my system will allow it? Are these updates found in Applestore? How come they aren’t offered as an upgrade suggestion automatically? For us computer illiterate people.

If it wasn’t for LR/PS I may not care, but….

Thanks ahead
It’s been a few years since I had a Mac but I recall going to the Apple Store to get one of the upgrades, maybe Lion or something like that; I don’t remember the number: ten fit something. I think I paid $25 for it.

Typically the smaller updates and “patches” are done automatically or notifications sent out, and are frequently free. When you get to the larger ones, especially if not free, you may get a notice but they aren’t always persistent.
I’m pretty illiterate when it comes to computers and trying to go through and clean it up. I thought it would let me know when there were updates and am at the latest version it allows as an update. I have a 2017 MacBook Pro with MacOS version 10.13.6. PS/LR want 10.15, but in “available updates” there is nothing like that. Do I need to upgrade to Catalina or some such thing? And how do I know if my system will allow it? Are these updates found in Applestore? How come they aren’t offered as an upgrade suggestion automatically? For us computer illiterate people.

If it wasn’t for LR/PS I may not care, but….

Thanks ahead
Go to the Apple in the upper left corner, go to About This Mac, click on Software Update, and then it should tell you the most recent version that is compatible with your computer. Download and install and you're good to go (of course first back up and expect a few glitches). It's free.
I’m pretty illiterate when it comes to computers and trying to go through and clean it up. I thought it would let me know when there were updates and am at the latest version it allows as an update. I have a 2017 MacBook Pro with MacOS version 10.13.6. PS/LR want 10.15, but in “available updates” there is nothing like that. Do I need to upgrade to Catalina or some such thing? And how do I know if my system will allow it? Are these updates found in Applestore? How come they aren’t offered as an upgrade suggestion automatically? For us computer illiterate people.

If it wasn’t for LR/PS I may not care, but….

Thanks ahead
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Thank you everyone. Weepete-this is perfect. My computer is compatible. Now to check on available storage. I found a 8 minute video of us eating lunch in the car and 19 minutes of my daughters arguing after one got a bloody nose from a ski lift incident. She forgot to turn the GoPro off. They are deleted! Lol.

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