Composite Challange


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Mar 29, 2016
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Still haven't been able to get out much, so started going through some old files to practice on Ps projects. I've been drawn to this same spot many times during the year and at different times of the day, but have yet to get a shot I was happy with. Here's an unedited image and a link to a zip file of the original. Bleak I chose this particular one for the challenges it will present in selecting, masking and processing. Can't make it to easy.
Bleak Midwinter20181223_0234.jpg

Now here's the challenge. Using (as much or little) of this file as you want, create a new composite image, but there has to be at least something from this file in the composite. Here's a start on one I did this morning. Have fun.

bleak midwinter orange1.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
Thanks for the kind words. When Smoke first posted this I was inspired by the awesome revision he did on his. (love the vivid color) I thought it would be fun practice, so I started playing with it, then I got busy and forgot all about it. The other day I was cleaning up some files that needed to be put where they belong and I ran across my work in progress so finished it. I hope some more folks will give it a go. :)
Still haven't been able to get out much, so started going through some old files to practice on Ps projects. I've been drawn to this same spot many times during the year and at different times of the day, but have yet to get a shot I was happy with. Here's an unedited image and a link to a zip file of the original. Bleak I chose this particular one for the challenges it will present in selecting, masking and processing. Can't make it to easy.
Now here's the challenge. Using (as much or little) of this file as you want, create a new composite image, but there has to be at least something from this file in the composite. Here's a start on one I did this morning. Have fun.

Instead of adding new/other images, I opted for a plugin called Shape 3D and also mirrored the image, the color shifts were created by combining positive and negative layers of this image.


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@gk fotografie interesting approach!

@CherylL Awesome job. It's a natural fit for the composition

Thanks! This could be a monthly challenge. .
Last summer 2018 I thought about such a challenge, but then every 2 weeks and not per month. Finally, I think that for various reasons, in the longer term, something like that has (too) little chance of survival. Probably the first few times it's successful because it's new, but after participating 2 or 3 times many people will simply not have the time or desire anymore, see the monthly photo challenge with often no more than 3 or 4 participants and usually no more than 10-15 voters, help, IT IS a photography forum, so where are all those TPF members? I notice there's less interest in this forum, or rather, not a lot of new faces really participating, and it's increasingly becoming a "chat forum" and less a "photo + activity forum". People are difficult to activate/motivate nowadays, it seems. Although TPF says there are (supposedly) several hundred thousand members, I count no more than perhaps 50 to 100 really active members, which is a great pity. Unfortunately there's therefore little to no innovation on this forum, probably the revenues are far too low to provide a new "boost", remember that nowadays most forums are on Facebook etc.

You are probably right. I posted the challenge for several reasons, none of which were really long term. As I said in the OP there's something that keeps pulling me back to this spot for some weird reason, but I've never been able to "see" the image that keeps calling me there. My hope was that someone else's creativity would spark my own imagination.
@bianni Great Job!!! Though between you and @Jeff G I'm beginning to wonder if the reason I keep going back to this place is because it's some sort of alien encounter spot. LOL

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