Cleaning background


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Mar 29, 2016
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Not sure this is the right place for this but here goes. I have a 10x20 white, polyester blend background that has some soiling in the place subjects usually stand. I thought about washing, but my concern is that it will create a mess of wrinkles. Ironing it I'm afraid will cause a sheen on the fabric. I have a small steamer, but that would take forever.

Any suggestion for cleaning?
Only thing I can think of is maybe roll up the clean part and spot wash the soiled areas by hand; drying it with a hair dryer or (very carefully) with a heat gun to avoid wrinkles.
I'm actually leaning toward this route, the place isn't all that big, and I can leave it hanging from it's overhead roller to dy.
Not sure this is the right place for this but here goes. I have a 10x20 white, polyester blend background that has some soiling in the place subjects usually stand. I thought about washing, but my concern is that it will create a mess of wrinkles. Ironing it I'm afraid will cause a sheen on the fabric. I have a small steamer, but that would take forever.

Any suggestion for cleaning?
My moms background is as a seamstress. She is regarded as very good and she is also very knowledgeable about materials and what to do and not do. Any time I go shopping with my mom if I see some clothes I like shes like hold on let me see what it's made from and then she tells me how I will have to wash it based on the material or blend....... I will ask her about this in the morning as she might have a idea as to do's and don'ts ......I am sure she does.......If not I will post either way to let you know.
I like the idea of spot cleaning the bad places, then (maybe) do a dry-cleaning kit - bag and pouch that goes in the dryer for the overall fabric.

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