Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar on Ragwort

John 2

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Apr 17, 2022
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Preston Lancs_NW UK.
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Cinnabar Moth Catterpilllar on Ragwort.jpg
Beautiful image, color is great, the softness of the bg gives it a nice, dreamy feel. A+
Beautiful capture
Trying to think of another word than beautiful as it's been used so much already but that's the best one! - Beautiful!
Thanks all. Ragwort looks attractive but there is a sting in the tail. In fact is a poisonous plant particular;y for animals to the extent that in the UK there is legislation covering its control. However, this caterpillar finds it delicious.
Thanks all. Ragwort looks attractive but there is a sting in the tail. In fact is a poisonous plant particular;y for animals to the extent that in the UK there is legislation covering its control. However, this caterpillar finds it delicious.
We have ragwort here in North Texas as well. It is pretty when massed, but I had no idea that it was toxic. Good to know.
Nice shot.

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