Changing the location of the new B&W Photo Challenge

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gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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I don't understand why my photo challenge has been moved from Photo Assignments & Technical Challenges to Photographic Discussions, this really doesn't make sense !!

I'm trying to introduce something new here on TPF and bring it to life, namely a B&W photo challenge, but maybe the moderators don't understand that?? It certainly seems that way!!
The section to which the B&W photo challenge has now moved is nonsense and does not fit at all for a black and white photo callenge. Nobody can find this photo challenge, so it makes little sense to be busy in such a way and continue this initiative.

If my B&W Photo Challenge is not placed in the Photo Assignments & Technical Challenges section, which I believe is the only correct place where the challenge belongs, I will simply stop this challenge. Unfortunately for the members of TPF that something new from a member is killed this way!!

It would have been nice to inform me via PM or is that no longer part of courtesy forms on this forum? I think I'm going to stop at this forum, because apparently new initiatives are not appreciated, so why should I try.

I don't think it makes sense for it to have been moved either. At least an explanation would be helpful. I hope you don't get frustrated and drop the challenge yet, and give it some time to see if it can be worked out.
I will look into this and get back to you.
Hi Gerard - at the moment, I can't tell when your thread was moved, or by whom. I can say, however, that since you gave the info on it above, I found it and moved it to where you wanted. I apologize for the confusion on behalf of the team.

Just to clarify: it's stated in the TPF guidelines that: "the TPF staff reserves the right to edit, move, or delete any post with or without explanation." You agreed to abide by the guidelines when you joined up. We do try to contact members when any actions are taken, but it's not always possible.

Of course, all our members are welcomed and encouraged to post new threads that encourage everyone to join in. That's part of the fun here, and nothing's changed.

If you think something has been moved in error, please don't hesitate to contact one of us on the team. Sometimes the moderators are moving spam threads or performing other tasks in a rapid way that could lead to an honest mistake. Although we try not to make them, mistakes can and will happen, but are usually easy to fix. I'm not sure why you immediately leaped to a conclusion that cast the whole staff as having malignant intentions. We're here to help, so please continue to let us know if you think a mistake has been made, and maybe use fewer exclamation points.
Hi Gerard - at the moment, I can't tell when your thread was moved, or by whom. I can say, however, that since you gave the info on it above, I found it and moved it to where you wanted. I apologize for the confusion on behalf of the team.

Just to clarify: it's stated in the TPF guidelines that: "the TPF staff reserves the right to edit, move, or delete any post with or without explanation." You agreed to abide by the guidelines when you joined up. We do try to contact members when any actions are taken, but it's not always possible.

Of course, all our members are welcomed and encouraged to post new threads that encourage everyone to join in. That's part of the fun here, and nothing's changed.

If you think something has been moved in error, please don't hesitate to contact one of us on the team. Sometimes the moderators are moving spam threads or performing other tasks in a rapid way that could lead to an honest mistake. Although we try not to make them, mistakes can and will happen, but are usually easy to fix. I'm not sure why you immediately leaped to a conclusion that cast the whole staff as having malignant intentions. We're here to help, so please continue to let us know if you think a mistake has been made, and maybe use fewer exclamation points.

Having just arrived home after 5 turbulent days in the hospital and 10 more restless days before all laboratory tests have arrived, I'm currently not in optimum shape and it's I think also the reason for my impulsive reaction. After returning home I saw the PM of a member who asked if I had published the challenge yet, because apparently it was not available on TPF and I thought that was strange.

It turned out that the challenge had been moved and what I don't understand is how someone can think that a photo challenge would be the same as a photo discussion. In Dutch culture it's a sign of politeness to answer or to give an explanation and I expect this from others too, sorry for that! Thank you for putting the new challenge in the right place, I made the decision for this section to ensure that the General Gallery does not get overloaded with a new challenge and people have problems with that situation, again. I'm satisfied with this outcome, thank you!

So, let's see if the digital photographers and I very much hope film photographers will find this new challenge and something beautiful can flourish.

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