Challenge: Show Us Where You Live- 5 Photos Only!

is that last one a bum trying to sell a newspaper? There's one of those on every street corner here in seattle.
is that last one a bum trying to sell a newspaper? There's one of those on every street corner here in seattle.

Yeah he is. I also noticed that he looks an awful lot like your friend who is looking for a beer.
OK, you say you also want to see small and boring places? For I can neither offer you an abode of the size and quality of the one Alex lives in :)greenpbl: ), nor can I offer you citiscapes of famous places such as Chicago, New York, Seattle, Toronto or Washington DC... so sorry.

But here is one of the highest buildings in my place: the church.


And the house where my friend lives in - it was built by her great-grandfather or so:


The Old Peoples' Home on the Main Road shortly before you have to turn right to get to my village (with the speed control camera box which I photographed this time :greenpbl: --- not it me!):


The Community Hall (we cannot speak of a Town Hall, my place it too small to be called a "town") ... i.e. this is where the authorities are such as registration office and whatnot:


My street.
Our house is somewhere towards the end of this street and not to be seen in the photo, what you see, however, is the area in front of the Fire Brigade Garage, behind that meadow:


I hope these five photos sort of sum up all there is about my place, though we do have more sights, such as the Primary School, the Secondary School, the Green Grocer's, the railway station and and and. ;)
Wow, you live in a street with real trees in it! That must be nice :)
That house in your second photo is my new dream house. Looks cozy, like it's from a Harry Potter book or something.
It looks like a lovely spot, Corinna! The church is very pretty - do the bells still ring on Sundays? And your friend's house looks so charming in that a postcard. Such nice big old trees on your must look beautiful when they are blooming. I hope to see this place in, oh, say, late May next year? :wink:
OK, you say you also want to see small and boring places? For I can neither offer you an abode of the size and quality of the one Alex lives in :)greenpbl: ), nor can I offer you citiscapes of famous places such as Chicago, New York, Seattle, Toronto or Washington DC... so sorry.

thank you for posting. these are actually the exact type of pictures I enjoy seeing. its a good chance in my lifetime, I will never go to a small town in germany. the only way I find out what it looks like is from you (or our friend google, if i'm lucky).

great shots. :thumbup:
thank you for posting. these are actually the exact type of pictures I enjoy seeing. its a good chance in my lifetime, I will never go to a small town in germany. the

Uhm, does that mean you would not even get close to a small hut like the one I have to live in? :p


OK, I confess, that image posted wasn't my place ... it is not even close to my place ... and I am just waiting that someone might recognise the place as probably many many people walk past it each year.
I hope these five photos sort of sum up all there is about my place, though we do have more sights, such as the Primary School, the Secondary School, the Green Grocer's, the railway station and and and. ;)

Thanks for posting, I never knew you were living that far out from the big city ;) Looks way more quiet than my place actually!
Oh Corinna your photos are fantastic!

I've very much enjoyed this thread too! I honestly am working on mine as well, I'll post when I can. :)
I love this thread. In fact, this is the thing about the forum that still amazes me everyday. We can, from the comfort of our homes, see images from all over the world. We take this for granted, I think. Two hundred years ago, a very short time in the grand scheme, we couldn’t capture images. Twenty years ago, we couldn’t share them in forums. It blows me away.

1. Brooklyn Bridge with World Trade Towers


I was just thinking the same thing! and these 2 are great.
I love this thread. I'll try to get some of my own Berkeley (or maybe SF) photos up soon, but for now I'll just keep looking at all of these awesome ones. :mrgreen:
I promise, after the coming week full of work is over I will start working on 5 serious shots showing where I live ...

[heyy, post 2500 ;) ]
I love this thread.
Especially like the pics that people think are innocuous, these are the ones that really give strangers to a place a feel for it.

Well done everyone.

Now if I could just figure out where home is I might try digging out some shots !
Ok so I found 5, all pretty similar though.
Give you a bit of a feel for Leiden, in the Netherlands.

1- Busy pedestrian bridge over the Oude Rijn canal. The begin point for market traders on market days.(note the bike doing a lemming...)


2- The town gate at the (North)East end of town. Leiden is a fort town famous for being Rembrandt's birthplace and inspiration, and holding the invading spanish at bay during a 16th century siege, which is still celebrated to this day on 3 October.

3 - Waterways are as much part of leiden as any roadways could be. This again is the Oude Rijn, a route for a water taxi.

4- In fact leiden water traffic can be as busy as roadways with many intersections and routes around town. One route should take you by canal all the way to Amsterdam, 40km to the North.


5 - In the often glorious summer sun, the waterways of leiden are also often used for fun and relaxation.


This is a pretty one sided view of the town, pretty much the tourist view as captured upon my arrival. I havent done much as regards shooting around the town lately. There are different sides to it also. And now, inspired, I just might !

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