CatLabs BW film?

I have processed a few rolls for customers, not sure where they got it. It seems very close to the old Kodak Tri-X Pro 320 (I think that is only in 4x5 sheets now?). Not sure why they say to shoot at 200 but the ones I did develop (Stock D-76) look OK.
Been thinking of trying a 120 roll myself.
Edge codes may offer a few clues. No reviews apparently come clean on its source. Suspect, though, it's a rebranded Chinese(Shanghai?) or Central/Eastern European-manufactured material.
I'm curious to see it printed in a darkroom since all my customers do the scan/dropbox.
Update.....Processed another roll for a customer. It has that very thin, ultra clear, plasticky film base, similar to the Rollei Retro 400s. Might even be the same film just a diff label.
Claims of a "unique new film emulsion" in 2023 always brings a knowing smile. They don't need to know about "Vision3" or "ECN-2" or "remjet."

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