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Feb 13, 2024
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Tetrio Sphinx caterpillar. There were dozens of these in a small tree, stripping it of leaves.

PXL_20240224_214225794.RAW-02.ORIGINAL Tetrio Sphinx.jpg

PXL_20240224_213431657.RAW-02.ORIGINAL Tetrio Sphinx.jpg
Very nice what was the tree?
Very nice what was the tree?

I believe that plant is an Adenium, or Desert Rose

The only other plant I know of that looks similar to it is a variation of plumeria.
Nice images Thiophilos. I've never seen caterpillars that are so stunning to look at. Thanks for sharing.
I believe that plant is an Adenium, or Desert Rose

The only other plant I know of that looks similar to it is a variation of plumeria.
Certainly could be. That is a toxic plant - all the more reason to not eat those caterpillars.
If possible, would you please post up pics of the adult butterfly or moth that it metamorphosizes into? It really has me wondering about that.
Nice shots.
If possible, would you please post up pics of the adult butterfly or moth that it metamorphosizes into? It really has me wondering about that.
It is the caterpillar of the Tetrio Sphynx moth. The caterpillar is known as a Plumeria caterpillar, because they love to feast on plumeria.

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