Canon A-1 / Av and Tv issue


TPF Noob!
Jan 24, 2022
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I have Canon A-1 exactly 10 years, and shoot probably 40-50 films. I did not use camera for a year and got back to it couple days ago, but camera have an issue with auto modes - Av / Tv

It seems that aperture is locked to highest and does not change automatically while shooting (depending on the lens I use 1.8; 2.8; 4 etc.). I searched on the net and find some post, even on this forum, but no real answers where given. At this point Im not sure if this is a bug or camera electronic let down. Camera can be shoot manual, but its a bit hard to operate A1 as a manual camera. Anybody have any idea what is the problem?

Trying my luck with this post since I have no other resources.
Thanks for the manual, but I am a noob for this.

Hoping that this topic catches someone eyes that had a same problem as me.
You did put a new battery in?
Yes, new battery in.
Is the lens aperture ring set to the "A" position?
Yes of course.

I have been using this camera 10 years now, so I did normal troubleshooting. Battery in/out, tried coupe of lenses, set manual aperture on lenses and back to auto, inspected camera and lenses mount.
Then your camera is broken. Get it repaired or find another that works.
I'm not sure if this will help but worth a try:



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Hey, every suggestion helps. I tried this but no luck. I dont have "EEEE EE" error but worth the try. Av is still on the biggest lens opening.

Tried to find someone to checkout the camera but where I live no luck. At this point my camera will become an exhibit, and I will try to find "new" body. Maybe this is the right time to jump no F-1n.
It does sound like an electronics failure.
The New F-1 is a better camera than the F-1n ... though the later is cheaper to get.
Both cameras are great for full manual ... another you could look at is the Canon EF
Forsters camera repair in Salt Lake can fix it. (801)487-1288. They have an online estimater as well.

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