Buy and Sell - negative feedback from members


User benchristian899, real name Mr. Pierre Sinus N, from Krasnodar Krai, Anapa, Russia is a liar - SCAMMER.

He offered me a CANON GPS GP-E2 through the email, and sent me pictures that are the same as in an ebay's seller from USA : Canon GPS Receiver GP E2 for Canon EOS Rebel T4i and Canon EOS 5D Mark III | eBay

Here is the full email:

Dear Mr. ....,

Thanks for the response

I hace attached pics for your view

I, Mr. Pierre Sinus N. resident in Krasnodar Krai, Anapa, Russia and Holding Russian Passport N°8548217, with full responsibility and penalty of perjury have the full authority and legal right to offer for sale the “Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2" of non-criminal origin, according to the terms and conditions stated below.

Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2

I used this once time on my 5D Mark III and it worked great. It can be used as standalone tracker though if you want. The reason I bought it was I wanted to have GPS Information attached to my Exif info on my pics and it worked flawlessly/ It works flawslessy. it is in good conditon and is like new

PRICE: US$150. Shipping charges are included

Package shall be shipped upon payment for the order. Shipping is done only after full payment. This is to filed record for the purchase, get the item well packaged before driving to the delivery agency for delivery.

Payment must be made in the following way:
Western Union

My location

Krasnodar Krai,
Anapa, Russia

Return and Refund policy:
I understand that sometimes a product is simply not suitable and you may need to return it. All I ask is that you inform ME of your intention to return the product within 7 business days of receiving your Package and return the item back in a re-salable condition, with the packaging unopened, within calendar 28 days. If this happens, it means your payment for the order shall be sent back to you.

Exceptional Advantage:
With reference to my return and refund policy, the charges involved to send back your funds will be borne by me.

Delivery Agency: FEDEX

Tracking Reference
When shipped, i will send you a scan copy of the FEDEX shipping Receipt. The FEDEX Shipping Receipt carries a tracking code for your package., This tracking code will enable you to check and monitor the delivery status of your package while on Transit to you home.

Below are records of some of our past transactions of CAMERAS i sold to some clients for you to verify So this is not the first time i am shipping Camera packages out of my Country, Russia. To make things clearer, These are tracking codes of Camera packages that i shipped to some of my clients in Newyork, Hawaii, Washington etc
These clients accepted my terms and conditions and in good faith, they received their packages.The packages were received successfully and the clients never had any problem receiving their packages .

These are contacts and names of clients whose camera packages were received successfully from me so if you wish you can contact them and find out from them how my transactions with them went through.

1) Christopher B. Brown
Email: [email protected]

2) Dr. Agatha Sacks
KAPAA, HI 96746
[email protected]

3) Paul Simon D.
Email: [email protected]

So there is no problem, your Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2 package will be shipped in a similar manner to your address

Shipping will be via FEDEX

Dear Sir, if ok kindly get back to with your confirmation so that tomorrow, i can drive to the FEDEX shipping agency and find out from them how long will your package take to reach your home address. I will have to choose the fastest shipping option from FEDEX . But please let me know if you gonna take this one so that i make verifications from FEDEX about the shipping procedures and then get back to you.

Tracking #

When done with the shipping arrangements. i will send you a scan copy of the FEDEX shipping receipt. The FEDEX shipping carries a tracking or reference number for your package. This tracking code for your package enables you to check and monitor from the FEDEX website the delivery status of your package while on transit to your home address.

My Regards

Waiting for your urgent response

God is the Giver of all.

FYI, any transaction where someone requests western union as payment should be viewed as suspect. like mailing someone cash, its a done deal once you send it with zero recourse.
There is no reason to buy from abroad unless the item is unavailable at home. Recourse is virtually impossible if the transaction goes south.
My GrandPappy used to say, "The stingiest person spends the most."
PhotoKirb as most of you already mentioned was acting shady. I spoke with them first hand and they seemed trustworthy and that they just had a lot on their plate at once.

Well after 3 days of not responding to any texts or emails.

I filed a dispute with paypal.

I ordered their tamron 150-600 last Friday and paid a little more than they were asking.

One bc I'm a nice guy and I was already getting a good deal on the lens so I figured why not give them a couple more bucks to help out.

I felt bad, bc they fed me some BS story about having to sell all their gear bc they had a baby coming and wasn't financially ready. Blah blah blah.

Well I ordered it last week and she said her husband shipped it Saturday and she couldn't get me the tracking number bc she was on her way to a baby shower and the number was at home.

Fine, no big deal.

Sunday passed.
Monday passed.

Tuesday came and I still haven't received the tracking number so I sent them a text asking what was up since I haven't heard anything.

She gave me some story about going into premature labor and they've been swamped.

Once again, fine. No biggie. I understand.

Wednesday comes and goes.

Still nothing.
Thursday comes. Nothing.
Friday comes nothing.

Now I'm getting mad bc I wanted this lens by the weekend bc I was heading to the zoo.

All my texts are ignored, but read.

She uses a iPhone so it says when she reads them.

And then she turned off the iMessage so I couldn't see it anymore. Lol

6 texts later, nothing.

I told her this was getting ridiculous and I wanted an update or I was filing a dispute.

She didn't respond.

I called paypal and they laughed and says this happens all the time.

She has 10 days to resolve the case or paypal will pull the funds.

Innocent until proven guilty right?

Guilty as charged.

You've been warned.

Sent from my phone so sorry for any mess ups.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Removed due to phone number showing.

Showed texts.
It happens all the time? Derr!

How does Paypal pull the funds? Is there some way they can withdraw funds from someone's credit card?
Paypal is linked directly to a bank account and they can pull from there.
In ebay cases they don't even release the funds to the seller until the item is received.
PayPal is very good about siding with the buyer.
Yep higher value trades are often held in limbo by paypal till an authentication period has passed (typically this means if something does go wrong no money has changed hands so its easy to resolve for paypal). Otherwise they just pull the money from the bank account - that account, and if it doesn't have the funds its a case of;

1) Paypal legal getting involved to recover the money

2) The bank account getting overdrawn and then the bank deals with the problem.

Paypal will side with the seller, but they've generally got a harder time to prove their position whilst a buyer has it easier.
James Ragen approached me regarding my WTB D7k Thread. He sent good pictures of a D7k with 50 1.8 mounted. He explained why he was selling, gave click specific information, and had almost immediate responses. He had other postings for sale as well, a T3 (which I now find peculiar), and a lens. We spoke about his service, stationed at Fort Bragg and that he had family here in Michigan. I checked his Facebook, his birthday matched between here and there, and his location was verified to be Fort Bragg. I felt comfortable with the transaction.

Next, I sent the money, including a few dollars to cover Paypal fees. I always send as a product payment in case something goes bad. However, he responded that he got the payment but the funds wouldn't be released for 21 days. I asked if he was verified and he said he was. He had promptly refunded the money. Feeling comfortable, I resent as a gift. He confirmed he received payment and would ship the next morning... and then I never heard from him again. This was last Tuesday, October 7. I messaged on Thursday asking if he was able to ship because I hadn't heard from him. No reply. He logged onto the forum October 10, he must have seen that message.

I've made multiple polite attempts to contact him here. He hasn't responded. I went to check his Facebook, and it is deactivated.

This has become very personal for me, since he shared he's in the 82nd Airborne on his Facebook. My grandfather was the national president of the 82nd Airborne Association for many years. I've contacted a few friends, and will likely be contacting the base's inspector general. I've taken screenshots of everything to help support my case.

I never thought I would be the person to have a struggle like this in the years of buying/selling online forums. I won't miss the $450 I sent him. He clearly needs it more. I don't hurt for money, just time. Sorely disappointed.











Looking at Paypal, which I should have paid more attention to before I sent the money as a gift, was that this person was in fact NOT verified.

Per the Army info, birth date, and such I did some research. I found his family, and now have his mother's phone number (provided by his sister). They claim it isn't him, but I'm not sure what to think. I'm planning on contacting the Fort Bragg inspector general as well.

It sounds as if this is a case of stolen identity. That someone has taken advantage of this person. I wish I had more support from the Admins on this page to verify who he is. If I had an IP address from his posts, I could trace it back... but fat chance in hell that I'll get that assistance.

What I still find suspicious is that if this is not James Ragen, then it is someone who knows him well... between his birth date, family ties to Michigan (all over his family member's Facebook pages), and so on... I find it very hard to believe it is not him.

Reaching out to his family via Facebook:


I'm doing some research to find a US Army soldier by the name of James Ragen, stationed at Fort Bragg in the 82nd Airborne. The reason I am concerned is that James or someone posing as James recently approached me on an online forum to sell me a camera.

I paid this person, who's email was [email protected] and references The Racers Media on Paypal paid in the amount of $463.xx. James or posing as James never sent the camera to me and it appears I am out the money. I'm reaching out to find this person.

Before I made the purchase, I checked Facebook to find James Ragen's profile. Everything seemed to match between here and the forum so I felt comfortable making the payment, including the location, age, and birth date. After a few days, this person's Facebook profile was deactivated. In my conversation with James, he mentioned that he lived in Tennessee, but was stationed in North Carolina. He also mentioned he had family in the area of Flint, Michigan. I did a Spokeo search of his name, and narrowed by state including Tennessee. I found one result for Baxter, Tennessee. I then searched Facebook for the name Ragen, filtered for Tennesee and found your mom and sister, and noticed Michigan ties as James mentioned. I've also reached out to your mom, my message to her is likely in her "other" folder as it is yours too.

I've attached some images showing our conversation, James' information, the Paypal transaction, and the Spokeo search. I've also included a link to the negative feedback thread on the forum where this occurred. Please see the profile of James Ragen, which will show you his posts. In some he references a lens he is selling because his brother purchased him the wrong one.

Buy and Sell - negative feedback from members | Page 2 | Photography Forum

I'm hoping that your brother is James and that you might be able to help me. I'm not accusing your brother of doing this to me, because I know someone could be posing as him very diligently. If that ladder is the case, I hope that James is made aware.

Just so you are aware, I've also began conversations with the Inspector General at Fort Bragg regarding this situation. I apologize if you have no idea who James Ragen is and this is just a coincidence. I'm truly just hoping for some help.

Thank you in advance,"

I also attached all of these screenshots.

Using Spokeo I was able to make the connection to his mother (come up with the same address). In fact, he has two sisters but no brothers (according to one of his sisters). His mom has his photo plastered all over her page. His Facebook has since been deactivated, which I find funny because when he started this conversation with me it was active.
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Start a conversation with ffarl | Photography Forum and ask about the IP address. Giving over details like that is really an admin level choice, although there shouldn't be much trouble if its part of an official investigation. Note also that if this is a case of identity theft chances are the person already uses a proxy IP address so it might not be too much use.

Also note that we don't want the thread to turn into a witch-hunt (just something to keep in mind for all members in general).
Start a conversation with ffarl | Photography Forum and ask about the IP address. Giving over details like that is really an admin level choice, although there shouldn't be much trouble if its part of an official investigation. Note also that if this is a case of identity theft chances are the person already uses a proxy IP address so it might not be too much use.

Also note that we don't want the thread to turn into a witch-hunt (just something to keep in mind for all members in general).

I understand. Its important that each side is seen clearly. Even if it is one sided! I just got off the phone with Paypal and they are going to help me out. He has 10 days to respond otherwise it is being forced back... verified or not. So awesome of them to do this.

I have no intent of starting a witch hunt. I had my own! I just want to prevent any other people from being a victim like I was. Hopefully the TPF will assist in that!

Thanks all!
Just for my information, how long should I wait from the date of funds being sent before opening a ticket with PayPal? I posted a WTB thread last week and had someone message me about purchasing a lens they were looking to get rid of. We had multiple messages back and forth but as soon as I sent payment via PayPal all communication stopped. I've message them on TPF a couple of times and emailed the PayPal email address a couple of times to follow up with no response. This saga began Thursday of last week....

I'm all good with shipping taking longer than expected, etc. as long as there is communication....This one just has me nervous. Thoughts?
Check the Paypal website. I think you have a window of something like 30-40 days to make a claim. Keep all your correspondence as well so you can present it as proof.

In general Paypal is pretty good at protecting you so long as you used the payment option that comes with the charge - ergo commercial payment option. If you used the gift option then you might not have much if any protection present (because its then treated as a gift not a commercial trade and this has no legal protections).

If you want more info contact Paypal directly.
Gotcha. The transaction was completed the traditional way (non-gift version), so hopefully they'll stand by me if it comes to submitting a claim or whatever for a refund. Hopefully it doesn't come to that!

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