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Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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Been awhile since I worked with glowing objects. I have an idea in mind for a future fantasy type project. Think I just about have the process ready. Any comments or suggestions.
Butterfly fantasy.jpg
Very cool - maybe a slight reduction of the warmth on her face, and lift the shadow upper RH corner just a tad?
Very cool - maybe a slight reduction of the warmth on her face, and lift the shadow upper RH corner just a tad?

Thanks. The process looks so easy but the difference between looking right, and not, is a tiny tweak. The first try was not quite enough reflection, the addition of the texture layer probably moved it to much the other way. The images were something I grabbed for a proof of concept, practice session. So, other then the lessons learned, it'll probably be dumped, when I'm done. Shooting with a final image/processing in mind IMO makes a more polished final product.
...The process looks so easy but the difference between looking right, and not, is a tiny tweak...
So true for much of photography (and art in general). As I've said before, a good photograph is a lot like a women's make up; a lot of time, effort and expertise goes into producing a product where it looks like nothing at all has been done.
a good photograph is a lot like a women's make up; a lot of time, effort and expertise goes into producing a product where it looks like nothing at all has been done.

But woe be the man who fails to notice they've done something :allteeth:

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