

TPF Noob!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hong Kong
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
This is my homework of my photo crouse. please give me some Feedbacks. Thank!

It does look good. One thing though, the shadow from the O J is too large a percentage of the total photo. Maybe bring the light on the back right around to the left and have the shadow more down the right side of the photo? That or bring the perspective back some.

Good effort!

It does look good. One thing though, the shadow from the O J is too large a percentage of the total photo. Maybe bring the light on the back right around to the left and have the shadow more down the right side of the photo? That or bring the perspective back some.

Good effort!


Yes. Good Idea! Why I don't think on it. (I try to fix it for long long time, but not work!):hail:
this is A+.....except i have one comment (i'm a little picky when it comes to fruit and vegetable)......i would change the strawberry to a better doesnt look so fresh....and maybe spray a little bit of water on the lettuce to make it look fresher
Woah! Again, I agree with Fred... tough teacher.

I don't know if this is any comfort, but if this was a job for a client rather than an assignment, you would have got PAID.... much better than getting an A. And, you'd get repeat business.

Good job.


Thank! I have been thinking about how to start my our bussiness for quite long time, do you have any advice?
this is A+.....except i have one comment (i'm a little picky when it comes to fruit and vegetable)......i would change the strawberry to a better doesnt look so fresh....and maybe spray a little bit of water on the lettuce to make it look fresher

Thank for your comment. I will try make it better on next time!
Thank! I have been thinking about how to start my our bussiness for quite long time, do you have any advice?

i think the situation is a little different in HK compare to north america (western culture).......because the culture is different and perspective is different.......i assume you are located in HK because of your signature and your name........i would consult someone from your area.....i'm not a racist.......but i do know for a fact that these two cultures think very differently......because i'm also one of your race mr. WONG........:mrgreen:

but first and most need to have a porfolio or maybe a website to show ppl how good you are....and prepare business cards if you are going to build connections
Thank! I have been thinking about how to start my our bussiness for quite long time, do you have any advice?

If you want this sort of work, you might consider approaching some small agencies or graphic artists. Often times, they will already have clients with photography needs and are in a position to do the buying. So, if you can get just one designer to use you as their source, you may end up shooting for several different companies. Three agencies might keep you busy.

The only hitch is you may have to wait longer to get paid. Photography is often the first thing done on a project. It could be months before everything gets printed and delivered. That's when they'll do their billing. When they get paid, you get paid. This could take 2-3 months.

Good luck!

Hi Shingfan & Pete:

Yes, I am living in Hong Kong now, but I will not focus on Hong Kong market. I will sell those photos on internet. In Hong Kong, most of the people don’t think photographer is a professional. They think that if you can buy a high grade camera will become professional photographer. So that I think I will focus on the internet stock photo. Do you have any idea how to start it up and which photo stocks site is better? Thank for your help!

BTW shinfa, we are same race?? like to meet you! vbmenu_register("postmenu_748199", true);
i have the very same feeling too many chinese buy professional camera but they dont know how to use them they just keep buying the expensive tools.......but dont know how to use them other than turning the wheel and pressing the button.....sigh >_<....i asked my friend to help me buy a CPL filter......the salesperson gave him a UV filter....saying that if you want you filter....this is it....even though my friend asked for a CPL......such a disaster......and of friend not knowing what a CPL is....believed UV was the right thing and got it wrong

yes.......i was raised in HK but now living in canada........i'm not sure what this means (vbmenu_register("postmenu_748199", true);)?????

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