Black-Necked Stilt


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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Caught this today. Yet another new-to-me bird since we arrived.

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Nice shot! I saw my first Black Necked Stilts of the season today too! They'll end up filling the ponds up here in the Spring. They can get really ill tempered and dramatic during mating season ;)
Nice shot! I saw my first Black Necked Stilts of the season today too! They'll end up filling the ponds up here in the Spring. They can get really ill tempered and dramatic during mating season ;)

According to my book, they are full-time residents in this area although the local population grows due to winter visitors.
I shot that only a short walk from where our house is being built so I am looking forward to seeing more and, perhaps, some "excitement" due to the breeding season.

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