Beer + New Homemade Light Panel

stupid me,

i forgot , you are using strobes as your main source also, not to fill...
what you did is actually perfect... otherwise youd have to do like hours of flagging and trapping with black fabrics and a stapler for a result you could barely notice the difference.. lol

and your camera is pretty cool actually.
I'm a big fan of my camera. :)

It really has great image quality on most ISO settings. I'm fairly patient too. I don't mind wading through a few menus to change settings. Especially when I'm working in a nice controlled setting like a product environment. Sure... I'd like a few more megapixels, but that can wait until I've got the glass that can keep up.
hit me up sometime if you get the urge to go shoot nightscapes around town, your area is ripe for the picking, and ive just picked almost all the fruit out of the middle OC area....

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