Battery grip port cover? Help!


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Sep 11, 2010
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Western New York
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Got my "new" d750 today. It's in great shape and works perfectly so far.

But it's missing the small rubber cover that goes over the battery grip port. Anyone know what this piece is called? Have a part number?

I can't find it anywhere online.
Power Pack Contact Cover Product 111S3

I believe that is what you are looking for. The rubber cap to cover the contacts used by a grip?

It's like $2 from Nikon. Probably $10 for shipping.
Just put a grip on it, then you don't have to worry about it.

But when I shoot landscapes the grip comes off for more stable tripod use and lighter packing weight. So I still need the cover lol
Power Pack Contact Cover Product 111S3

I believe that is what you are looking for. The rubber cap to cover the contacts used by a grip?

It's like $2 from Nikon. Probably $10 for shipping.

You rock!
Power Pack Contact Cover Product 111S3

I believe that is what you are looking for. The rubber cap to cover the contacts used by a grip?

It's like $2 from Nikon. Probably $10 for shipping.

You rock!

Hahaha, just wondering. I looked on ebay. Sure enough there is a grip for sale with the rubber cover still in it's storage place. :345: If you don't already have the grip. Can buy that one for $180 and get the $2 cover for free. :aiwebs_016: :allteeth:

Of course it's missing the grips contact cover for when it's off. So, you will then have to search for it. :048:
A d500 and now a d750?

Nice combo
Just don't compare the sounds of each Ch shutters. Lol
A d500 and now a d750?

Nice combo
Just don't compare the sounds of each Ch shutters. Lol

I did compare the sounds. The D500 sounds like a beast. The 750 is a little more dainty, even more so than my 7100 was.

Honestly my immediate impression of the 750 is that I don't like a lot of things about it. I don't like how small the top LCD panel is and how little information it displays compared to even my old D80. I'm not a fan of the info screen on the back lighting up every time I want to change a setting that isn't aperture or shutter speed.

The image quality seems pretty good so far and I'm shooting a wedding with it this Saturday to put it through its paces. So we'll see what I think after spending more time with it.

After the D500 and it's professional build and controls anything lesser seems to really annoy me. I think I may be destined for a D850 if it matches up closely with the 500.
A d500 and now a d750?

Nice combo
Just don't compare the sounds of each Ch shutters. Lol

I did compare the sounds. The D500 sounds like a beast. The 750 is a little more dainty, even more so than my 7100 was.

Honestly my immediate impression of the 750 is that I don't like a lot of things about it. I don't like how small the top LCD panel is and how little information it displays compared to even my old D80. I'm not a fan of the info screen on the back lighting up every time I want to change a setting that isn't aperture or shutter speed.

The image quality seems pretty good so far and I'm shooting a wedding with it this Saturday to put it through its paces. So we'll see what I think after spending more time with it.

After the D500 and it's professional build and controls anything lesser seems to really annoy me. I think I may be destined for a D850 if it matches up closely with the 500.
Yes the D750 went to a 2 line shoulder LCD due to it's slimmer body. Versus the D6x0 & D7x00, etc which are 3 line.

The rear LCD popup info box is pretty annoying. Many complained of that on day 1 of release. I just ignore it now but in low light that additional light reflecting into your face is still annoying. But I'm sure it drains the battery some and who knows if it slows the overall picture process down. This is where an engineer thought it was a good idea, instead of letting a photographer design it. At least have an option to turn it on/off !! I see that popup as a d3x00 / d5x00 feature not something you find on an upper mid level camera.

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