

TPF Noob!
Sep 11, 2011
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I was wondering if there were any Nikon bodies that feature autobracketing (non-WB).....?
I think they all do, don't they? Or at least the current ones back to the D40.
Canon shooter, but every class I have ever taken where it's discussed refers to auto bracketing in general. Not just a Canon thing.
Well, I know some allow auto-WB braketing where depression of the shutter once yields 3-5 images. I'm not sure if there is the same feature for normal bracketing.
IMO, auto white balance bracketing is stupid since there is something called RAW. But since you asked about auto exposure bracketing, most Nikon bodies would do at least 3 shots.
Your D50 has AEB, but some of the 'baby' Nikon's don't - D40/D40x, D60, D3000, D3100.

Entry-level Nikon's that do have AEB, only allow 3 bracketed exposures D50, D70/D70s, D80, D90, D5000, D5100, D7000.

The prosumer and pro DSLR's allow 9 exposure brackets D100, D200, D300/D300s, D700, D3/D3s/D3x.
Why don't Nikon allow 9 EBs on all cameras? Isn't it simple?
It is all electronics so I can't see how it is harder. I see that as a same idea as what they do with computer processors where they have a chip that will go to 11 but they cripple it to only reach 10. If you want 11 you pay more.
It is all electronics so I can't see how it is harder. I see that as a same idea as what they do with computer processors where they have a chip that will go to 11 but they cripple it to only reach 10. If you want 11 you pay more.

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So that wasn't such a subtle reference to 11 I guess;)
So that wasn't such a subtle reference to 11 I guess;)

Subtlety is not always my strongest suit. :biglaugh:

No harm meant, I just really like Spinal Tap and anytime I can reference them, I will.
I meant I was not that subtle as you picked up on it so fast. I love that movie and especially that part.

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