Anyone in New Jersey/NYC


TPF Noob!
May 30, 2016
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I am still learning and would love to get tips and meet some people with the same passion for photography as i do. So is anyone from NJ/ NYC?
How about Delaware or PA
I'm in the northern suburbs of NYC. Kinda busy these days but maybe in the fall we could get a group together.
I'm in East Central PA - about 70 miles west of Philly.
That could work also..
There are a bunch of people in or around Philly
I'm in South Central PA but frequently visit NYC, and somewhat less frequently, Philly.
I'm in South Central PA but frequently visit NYC, and somewhat less frequently, Philly.
That could work just let me know if your interested in meeting up
I was going to go to Coney Island for the mermaid parade this weekend but now have other plans. We could get a mob of photographers and paparazzi random people. Chase em down the street and surround their car. I'm north of the city.
NYC thats like 30-40 mins from me i work up there all the time..
Cool beans if you're ever near the city let me know we can wander and shoot the city. One of my favorite things to do.
I see this thread is kinda old but if you guys are still around I'm in NYC too.

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Hey man, yep still around lol. Where about in the city are you?
Awesome, I'm over in Rego Park Queens.

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