Aircraft and Aviation Theme

Hey that's a cute little aeroplane. were you in something similar when you took the pic? :)
Ant said:
Hey that's a cute little aeroplane. were you in something similar when you took the pic? :)


Those aren't aeroplanes they are Kites with a Lawmower engine on them :shock: wouldn't catch me in one of those contraptions give me some good old Heavy Iron :green to:

Cheers Crazymainer
I think they're really cute. :)

I actually though about buying one a while ago. They're dirt cheap and I don't think it costs too much to get a licance for them either
Old Rheinbeck Aerodrome, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2004




Great shots. I love the old WW1 stuff. Got to see an SE5a at Biggin hill a few weeks ago. A replica of course and only 6/7 scale.

Did you get those shots on your new 20D?
Great shots. I love the old WW1 stuff. Got to see an SE5a at Biggin hill a few weeks ago. A replica of course and only 6/7 scale.

Did you get those shots on your new 20D?

It was interesting. I kept wanting to lead them more, I'm used to much faster aircraft. :)

Yes those were taken with the 20D. It was its first "official" outing and performed quite well. I ran into a couple of issues but nothing that didn't happen occasionally with my Elan IIe. Most of the issues were operator error as well. All in all I had a great time and ripped off 194 pictures yesterday (I also went to the Collings Foundation and played with thier new M-16 Quad-50 Half Track, I'll post pics later)
Pretty much 1/80 or 1/100 at 5.6

:shock: Bloody hell. that's a slow speed for aircraft. I can't drop much below 1/250 without blurring everything.
Ant said:
Pretty much 1/80 or 1/100 at 5.6

:shock: Bloody hell. that's a slow speed for aircraft. I can't drop much below 1/250 without blurring everything.

I basically checked to see what the camera would choose and liked the result. I hate stopped propellers in pictures. All in all I was impressed with the 20Ds ability to choose decent settings for a given environment.
Well here I am... my first real picture post and what theme do I choose? Airplanes... because I LOVE them. It's a long story that I won't bore you with, but I absolutely love the World War II planes. These pictures are from our October Airshow.

This first picture is of the Super Guppy. It is an aircraft which belongs to NASA and was originally purchased from the European Space Agency. Among its various duties, the Guppy is used to transport parts for the ISS.
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This was part of the reenactment of Tora Tora Tora that was put on by the Commemorative Air Force.
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Finally (I mean in this post... :)) the USAF Thunderbirds were the featured act at this year's Airshow. I'm happy with this picture considering that I have a Canon S45. I pushed that little camera hard. :)
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That's it for now. I have survived my first picture post... I think.
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Aoide: You should've set your camera up on a tripod, set the timed shutter release, ran down and stood infront of the Super Guppy to lend scale. ;)
Xmetal said:
Aoide: You should've set your camera up on a tripod, set the timed shutter release, ran down and stood infront of the Super Guppy to lend scale. ;)

Thanks Xmetal. The only problem I see with that is then *I* would have to be in the picture. :puke-rig: That's why I like being behind the camera. Does it help if I tell you that it's big? :D
This isn't my photo but one from Chuck Gardner who does some freelance work for me, I just thought I'd share it cuz Iliked it alot. It's of a B-17 named Liberty Belle that took to the air yesterday for the first time in nearly 40 years.


You can find more pictures and this aircrafts history on my site at

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