Advice on this flash


TPF Noob!
Feb 7, 2005
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Compostela, GZ
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Anyone knows this flash?
I've been trying to find reviews on it, but couldn't find any.
Seems to me it could turn up a nice bargain...? The problem is that I don't have any information to confirm it; and it seems, for example, that it cannot be bounced...?

thanks for your help

...stupid me... I forgot to link!!
so here it is
Metz is a good brand name...but I don't know anything about that particular model...and I can't read that page.
it says in Spanish that it will not work on digital, some of the TTL flashes where designed to be controlled through the lens by the camera reading exposure of the film plane, exposing with these flashes through digital doesn't render good exposures
thanks for your interest.
I let it go. Having no information and suspecting, just from the pics though, that it couldn't be bounced, I decided to forget about it. after all it is not what I am after; just wanted to try and see if it was a bargain, 'cause in case of bargains... one is always tempted to go after the stuff one doesn't go after...

by the way, and moving to what I do go after: could you confirm me whether Nikon speedlights after SB-24 would work the same as this one -and then just do more things than it does? Let me explain: the SB-24 is what I am looking for (a good deal on it, I mean), since it works perfect with my F801s (american N8008s). The things is that, sometimes, the great deal happens to be a, say, SB-28. I know that my camera won't benefit from the improvements this one has over the SB-24, but wonder whether, appart from loosing such improvements, the flash would still give all what the SB-24 does or, on the contrary, it wouldn't a good idea since newer flashguns may work differently.

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