Advice on SD Cards


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Mar 29, 2016
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Need to replace some SD cards. Not a fan of SanDisk, I have good luck with Lexar. Suggestions for 64gb cards....speed, brands, Other comments?
I have been using a ProMaster CF card for over 12 years here at work. I have used it so much the back label is gone and the front label is very worn but the thing keeps going. I just format in camera before each shoot. I have heard peeps say that ProMaster is junk but I believe the opposite.
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Need to replace some SD cards. Not a fan of SanDisk, I have good luck with Lexar. Suggestions for 64gb cards....speed, brands, Other comments?

The majority of SD cards I've bought have been SanDisk going back to 2009. The only other companies I've used for my cameras are Lexar and Samsung though I do have a very, very old PNY in my old Kodak point and shoot.

If you don't want to go SanDisk then try Samsung. I have a 16GB class 8 in my Fujitsu Finepix S4200 that's been in use for 10 years or so, I also use Samsung class10 micro SD cards in both of my Rasberry Pi's (3 and 4)
It sounds like you had a bad experience with Sandisk? They are my go-to for SD, microSD, and thumb drives. I haven't had any issues with them, but there were some serious issues with their SSD drives last year. For my Nikon Z6II I use a Lexar XQD card, which has been fast and reliable, but was also purchased before the company was sold in 2017, so I don't know much about their memory cards under the new ownership. Side note, I just realized my primary storage card is 8 years old.
Hi Smoke,
just caught your post before calling it s night
just looked at my set cards I have a 50/50 mix of sandisk and Lexar the latter being the higher spec
if you have used Lexar go with them there are so many horrror stories about unknown brands failing
i know this prob has not helped
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Ok don’t know what happened there ...late o’clock human (or so I an told) errors ssssssss
Usual dog's breakfast of Lexar and Sandisk mid-rage/speed, 64 and under. Photo use, no video. 24mp bodies and under. Usually bought multiples on sale, some still in packaging. No fails. Use some for music in the car system, too.
I use SanDisk mostly, plus some Lexar and in the past, stuff like Transcend. Never a failure. Buy what's on sale.
Settled on Lexar Blue 800, 32gb, bought several for the price of a couple of the faster cards.

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