Additional Video screen for Macro?


TPF Noob!
Jan 8, 2014
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Surprise, AZ
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I find it difficult to kneel down to my subject and get a good focus on the parts I want in focus. I was thinking about using an additional LCD screen to get me the view I need. Has anyone else done this and can you offer advice on this?

I use a Canon 5DMk3 body at the moment.
Let me know if you find one that works with an NEX-7. I've heard it can be done with an iPad but I haven't verified that yet.

I am using the camranger (google camranger (not sure if I am aloud to put up a link) and my iPad and a Canon 5D MKII, you can setup the camera (on a tripod or not) then all your controls are on your iPad using live view you can change/adjust almost everything.
And you have a clear view of you subject I use it for product photography (handy to change your light setup and see it changing)

Grtx Rain
Sweet, just ordered the CamRanger. Thanks for pointing me to it! No idea why the Moderator moved this thread to Canon Accessories, I mearly mentioned my camera body in case someone asked. Ususally it helps to have the info when asking a question like this. This was a Macro accessories discussion.
I am able to use my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with my Canon 7D via the DSLR Controller Android app (Need to get a Samsung USB adapter for my Note and then use the USB cable that shipped with my camera to connect them together)

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