60009 Union of South Africa

John 2

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Apr 17, 2022
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Preston Lancs_NW UK.
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Now sadly retired to being a standing exhibit. One of the remaining few of her class coming down from Carlisle on the Settle to Carlisle line.

60009 Union of South Africa A.jpg
This is really nice, processing fits.
Very nice.
Nice shot of a very cool train.
I like really old buildings. old rusted vehicles and most stuff really old. also think with the old stuff, B&W really fit! Have a photo of the old Monger Ranch that I showed to a local ranch lady years ago and she hit the nail right on the head. She took a look, shook her head and told me, "If only that old house could talk, think of the stories it would have to tell!"

This photo of an old train engine falls into the same place with me. Just imagine the things that old thing has seen and experienced! Beautiful shot!
Thankyou @Don Fisher. The line runs through the North Yorkshire moors and during the Summer months, it carries almost as many steam specials as it does commuter trains. In keeping with the countryside, it's not electrified and so there are no intrusive overhead wires and the original Victorian character of the stations along the line has be deliberately retained . Great for photo ops.

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